Ok, so we have kind of an ultra-conservative pediatrician. Don't get me wrong, she is great. She takes her time at each appointment, thoroughly reviews her notes and brings up previous topics of discussions to check up with us and has genuine concern for our child. I also appreciate the fact that she is aware of Claire's appropriate growth and development and follows-up by offering words of support for our efforts as first time parents. That being said, she is still quite conservative. She recommended not beginning cereal until 6 months of age. Around month 4, Claire began eating like a horse. I am talking 8 oz. at a time. Try extracting 8 oz. of milk, 4-6 times per day from your boobs, not to mention while working full-time. It was not happening. Needless to say, we began mixing half and half of mommy milk to formula. This has been working well. Claire seems satisfied. However, I was reading an article in Parents magazine, which talked about when to begin your child on cereal. It stated that a child will indicate his/her readiness by taking an intense interest in what you are eating. I am not one to follow advice from magazines, etc., heck, I can barely remember what it said 20 minutes after I read it, but this seemed to make some sense. Claire has been interested in everything--diet coke, chicken, salad, you name it. Sooooo, I thought it was time to give it a try. Not the Diet Coke, but rice cereal. The pictures tell the story. It didn't go so well. She wasn't enthused. Well, I guess she was enthused, but not pleased with what she received. I have heard that it may take several tries to make this a go, so we'll try, try, try again. Hopefully, at the end of this road is some nights filled with blissful sleep--we're talking 8+ hours for all of us!!