Claire is seven months old. The time has really flown by. Her personality has really been coming out the past several weeks. She continues to be the light in our lives. We love her more and more everyday. Here is what has changed:
1. Claire has her first two teeth. She actually started to push them through last month, but now we can fully see them. I had to hold her down to take a picture. Not a happy moment.
2. She is now beginning to like baby food. She prefers cereal mixed with peaches. We tried apple juice, but it wasn't as good. Claire also enjoys squash and sweet potatoes.
3. She is drinking 8 oz. of milk per sitting.
4. Claire is babbling often. Now she is stringing dada together, in addition to baba and mama. Chris is thrilled. He tries to convince me that she is talking to him by name. Perhaps I'd believe him if I weren't a trained children's language specialist.
5. Claire loves to play with the dog that is in the picture. She got it for Christmas from her auntie, Jessica. It plays music and names body parts. Claire especially likes the music. She actually has begun to dance by bouncing up and down.
6. She is beginning to get ready to crawl. She scoots backwards across the living room floor, but makes no efforts to go forward other than getting up on her knees.
7. She loves baths. Claire especially enjoys splashing her hands and legs around in the water. She also likes the crab toy.
8. She is finally wearing a solid size 6 months clothing. Claire has finally outgrown her size 3 month pajamas, so we had to go shopping. It wasn't an easy task finding warm, fuzzy "pages", being it is the end of the season.
9. Claire is interested in everything. She loves to watch everyone, including Harvest. Her biggest joy in the day is watching him chase after his treat. She just stares in awe.