I have been on a mission this week. I am trying desperately to dig myself out of what feels like a never ending heap of pictures. I finished 4 more 2 page spreads. Yay!! Slowly, I will work backwards and hopefully, by the time Claire is 18, I will have her first 6 years scrapbooked.
I used to scrapbook with my sisters. Having another person to chat with, offer ideas to and get ideas from, made the whole process much more fun. I miss them. My friend, Erin, suggested a scrapbooking party. I think it is a fantastic idea and look forward to the company!
Still haven't broken the news to what's his name--wish me luck.
Love ya,
I am glad you are up for the party. When would work best for you? After ski season??? Let me know and we can set something up. Of course Jill is welcome. The more the merrier. The guys can find something to entertain themselves. Give me some ideas about dates....
I just read your comment from the previous scrapbooking post. When does ski season end?? March, April?? Sounds like Josh has the right idea in mind, although Chris would probably be in favor of adding a movie or something to the entertainment list.
Bring up the idea to Jill and see what dates would work well for her and I am going to invite my friend Heather. She just had a baby, so she too has pictures piling up.