Ok, this is a somewhat random and probably obnoxious post. Claire hasn't changed much since my last post, and her two teeth haven't pushed through enough to actually photograph them. Sooooo, here's what I have:
I was recently searching the stores for the perfect Valentine's Day gifts when what to my wandering eyes should appear, but rows and rows of STUFFED ANIMALS??!!! What kind of sign of love are they? I have never been fond of stuffed animals. I just never got the point. What do you do with them? They sit around, taking up space and quite frankly, are a huge waste of money! They will not be found aplenty in our home. One or two is the limit! I take that back. We already have a dresser full of them (much to my dismay) and they have not moved since they were placed there--6+ months ago. What a waste. We have reached our limit. No more. Eventually, some will quietly and secretly make their way to the Goodwill, so note to you all....please don't buy us stuffed animals!! I loathe them. Save your money or buy us something of use, like a book, puzzles, clothes, games, a diamond ring, a gift certificate, take us out on a date, a massage, a vacation, or any other item with a purpose. I know plenty of adults receive stuffed animals as Valentine's Day gifts as well, but I can only wonder what one does with them? Do they sit on a shelf like when they were five? I just cannot imagine nor do I want to find out....
On a less heated note, I did find the perfect gift for my lovely husband, which was shipped to our home in a not so perfectly taped box. He happened to get the mail that day and actually pushed open the box enough to read the invoice. Consequently, we have already had a Happy Valentine's Day from his point of view, with enough reading material to last a year.
As for V-Day...I thought that all ended after the wedding:)
Lauren, I bought Chris a variety of books that he wanted. Lame, I know, but I aim to please.
Nick, you better be shopping for something really great, now. You may be in big trouble!! Not to mention that you now have two to shop for and two gifts to buy for Heather. V-Day becomes twice as great!! Remember, no stuffed animals....