Chris has been away on business for over a week with a few more days to go. We are counting down. Claire misses her Daddy. She especially enjoys his entertainment as I can't be "on" 100% of the time. I do my best, but I don't compare. I miss my partner. Waking up each and every night, several times per night as of late, changing every diaper, giving every bath, feeding each meal, reading, playing and providing all the fun is EXHAUSTING!! And to think our child is awesome. She's laid back, happy go lucky and a pretty independent kiddo. I don't know how single parents do it. I have the upmost respect for them, that's for sure. So, this post is for Chris. We love you and miss you! Here are some pictures from your daughter. She is going to give you tough competition for the remote. It seems to be her new fascination--that and my cell phone. I think she may want her own. Is 8 months too early?? She is also wanting to stand ALL THE TIME!! It is cute, but again tiring. You were worried you would miss her crawling debut, but no such luck. I am not sure either of us will see it. Maybe she'll surprise us with a walk instead. Anyway, exciting days are ahead. We can't wait to see you.
Love ya,