Claire has had her fair share of food issues. First she liked cereal, then hated it, still isn't too crazy about it (but then who can blame her--it looks like mush), sweet potatoes, then hated them, loved them again, liked peaches, then hated them, and then loved them too. On and on it has gone as we've cycled through the baby food. I was freaking out a first, thinking I had a sensory issue on my hands. Obviously, the combination of having my own child and being a speech pathologist is lethal. I know way too much about child development and disorders for my own good. We started feeding Claire Gerber Peach Puffs about a month ago. These pictures were from then. Needless to say, she was not a fan! In they'd go and out they'd come. On and on it went until they finally disintegrated in her mouth. Now she loves them. She hasn't quite grasped the idea of how to put them in her mouth herself, so many end up on the floor, a fact Harvest truly enjoys. I've also tried feeding her tiny chunks of banana, but again, not such a fan. I ordered Chinese food last night. Claire was literally lunging for my rice and chicken teriyaki. I gave her a bit of rice and she ate it right up. Bite after bite. It was an instant hit. She loves it! She is definitely our child--a wee little piggy!
Love ya,
Love ya,