The poor guy had to wear an Elizabethan collar, so that he wouldn't bite at his leg. It drove him crazy, so I removed it when we returned from the vet until around 10 the next morning when he began biting.
One last kiss..
This was a typical sight at our house, wherever Claire was, Harvest was or vice versa.
Claire and I said "good-bye" to Harvest this morning. It was an awful experience to say the least. He was in tough shape at 12 years old. Harvey tore his other hind ACL in July, had numerous warts, which irritated him to no end and now a cyst on his front leg that multiplied in size this past year. Chris and I weighed our decision in July and decided that we would just let him live his life as a poor handicapped soul until he showed us that it was poor quality. That sign came on Wednesday. His cyst broke open, which lead to days of licking it. I called the vet on Thursday to get a quote on the surgery only to come home and discover his cyst looking extremely "tissuey." It was disgusting. I called the vet again to see if I should clean it with anything in particular to keep out infection. Instead, they thought I shouldn't wait until my Monday appointment, but bring him in that night, which was Friday. Basically, our options were to remove it or leave it. If we removed it, it would most likely grow back and the cancer could have spread to his heart already. Damage done. Anyway, the cost would be $500-$700, which is beyond what I thought was reasonable for a 12 year old dog. After swearing that I would never put him down, I made the decision. We said good-bye this morning. It was quick and painless, but I feel awful. He was such a great dog for us. To say that Claire loved him is putting it mildly. She laid on him, sat on him, put towels and clothes on top of him, kissed him all the time, pulled his hair, looked at his teeth and so much more--all of which he lovingly tolerated. He was great. So sad to say good-bye. Just one more traumatic issue that Chris has missed out on first hand, although I know he feels the sadness too. As I sit here writing this post, Claire says "Harvey go?" Ugh. I am sure we have many more moments of this as she remembers that something is missing. What a sad, sad day...
Update: We woke up this morning (Sunday morning) to the usual drill. Claire comes to my side of the bed and she orders Harvest to "come." (It truly is an order! "Come Harvey.") Anyway, she quickly realized something was different and responded, "Harvey's bye-bye." The beginning of another sad day with a little smartie-pants.
Love ya,
Love you.
I pray for all of you every day that you would have a moment of contentment. I know how difficult it is to be a single mom, I did it for many years. I dont know what gave me the strengh to get through things I just know it was there when I needed it. I wish you the best.