Because my life was too calm, something had to happen. I awoke this morning to contraction-like tension in my lower pelvis. This tension is/was not painful, but present and constant. I finally called the doctor at 9:00 only to hear the words bedrest and liquids. Great. They think I am dehydrated which caused contractions. I laid around all morning and afternoon feeling fine. The baby is kicking and moving around, which alleviated much of my worry. However, I went to pick up Claire and was upright for all of 10 minutes or so feeling contractions again. We came home and I called again. I am back in bed with poor Claire by my side. Thankfully all the entertainment she needs can fit in the bed with us, so she is perfectly content. If things don't improve tomorrow morning, I need to go see the doctor. Keeping my fingers crossed. It is much too early for this kind of drama.
The Halloween festivities are in full swing here. We attended a "Fall Festival" at my school on Thursday evening and today we enjoyed a "fall festival" at the girls' school. We've managed to keep their costumes a secret until Wednesday when Claire spilled the beans. She was doing so well at keeping the secret, I almost thought she wasn't our child for awhile ;) Claire dressed as "Pinkalicious" and Mya was a cupcake. My Mom and Dad bought Claire the book, "Pinkalicious" for her first birthday. It has been an on-going hit with our girls. They both have the entire book memorized. It is such a cute book where this girl named "Pinkalicious" loves pink. She eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink, which she is thinks is simply beautiful then red, which is less than favorable. She eats her vegetables to turn alleviate her pain. In the meantime, her little brother is envious and devours the last one, then turns pink too. It is a ...
Love ya,