2 years ago, our little baby girl came into our lives. Claire changed our lives and has blessed us in so many ways. I can't believe she is already two. Just thinking about how much she has grown, changed, accomplished in those 24 months brings tears to my eyes. I am so proud of her. She truly is the sparkle in my eye and brings so much joy to my heart. I love her so much more than I ever thought possible. I knew having children would be an incredible experience, but how incredible is simply overwhelming. She is everything I could have wished for in a little girl and I can't wait to see what the next year brings for her. Claire's vocabulary and understanding of language is extremely well developed. Her articulation skills are more within age expectations--she is reducing clusters, inconsistently produces /s/, /z/, /th/, /l/, and no /r/. She refers to our family as "my ----." For example, when my Mom calls to talk, Claire says, "myGrammy," as if it were al...