she was loving when i was saying "mamamamamam" with my lips on her cheek. she'd smile and smile and smile, so i tried to get a picture. ooo, i could eat her up.

mya is 8 weeks old. wow, time is flying by. in only a month or so, i will be returning to work. i definitely have mixed emotions about that. anyway, 8 weeks. mya has been consistently sleeping 6-7 hours per night, which is awesome. can't say it enough---awesome. the issue is that since i am nursing her, i wake with watermelons on my chest. can't say i enjoy that feeling, but i definitely love my sleep. we've had kind of a rough week in terms of contentment. i have been eating something that doesn't sit well with our poor little girl. she's been constipated, yet again, gassy and quite fussy--especially around the hour of 4:00 which just so happens to be when daddy returns. i tell him that it is because of him that she is fussy, but he isn't buying it. otherwise, life is great. she is getting so big, so quickly. she smiles, eats well, loves her big sister and is a bright eyed little girl. she prefers standing and sitting upright so she can take in her surroundings, but isn't quite ready for the bumbo yet. mya loves going on walks and being swaddled. the poor thing sweats like everything in the heavy blanket, but that is the way she likes it. we have her 2 month well baby check this week. i am curious to see her numbers as she seems bigger than claire was at this point. we are loving everyday even though everyday isn't always easy.
love ya,