My family arrived on Thursday and Friday. It is great having them here. Each time they visit us, we try to plan an itinerary full of different activities in the area. We've lived here for nearly 3 years, but have never made it down to Rhode Island to check out the Newport area. It was lovely. We toured the Breaker mansion previously owned by the Vanderbilts. It was pretty amazing. We also checked out the cliffwalk and had lunch in town. It was a hot and very humid day, so we didn't walk down the cliffwalk, but we'd love to go back and do that. My sister, Jessica was accompanied by her boyfriend, Nate this trip. It was his first trip to the east coast, so we tried to make it memorable. Hopefully his most memorable moments do not involve carrying my daughter from place to place. He tended to do that often, partly because Claire was especially fond of him, but partly because everyone else was too tired. He was a trooper.
