Yesterday was our first day without rain and warm temperatures, so we were able to use our pool. Yahoo. Claire loved swimming last summer, so I was expecting much of the same. Needless to say, the experience was less than desirable. She'd put her feet in and let Chris submerge her legs, but that was about it. I'm sure over time it will get better. The kid loves playing in water, but I think the fact that she couldn't ease into it by herself is what turned her away. Anyway, I thought a sprinkler might be better. Not so much. We found this cute ball sprinkler at Target, and Claire talked a good game up until it was time to get wet. She managed to run through a couple of times staying dry, but the second she was splashed was the second she decided enough was enough. Aren't Cancer babies supposed to LOVE water? I know I did and still do.
Im trying to figure out who Mya looks like...chris maybe!
love ya,