7 weeks has brought a couple of changes for sweet baby Mya. She is eating 5+ ounces of milk/feeding. Mya is much more awake now. She typically sleeps for about 4 hours during the day, otherwise is checking out this big bad world. Mya seems to enjoy our daily walks. She looks around and is a pretty content kiddo. Claire tends to her pacis if the need arises. We've introduced her to the activity mat, which she enjoys if she is left alone; however, given the fact that Claire too is fascinated by the mat and Mya, being left alone is a rare occurence. Mya sits in the swing daily, although she isn't a huge fan at this point. We're hoping to change her ways. She is strong, holding her head for minutes at a time and loves standing on her little feet. Mya has begun smiling. She has done this consistently for the past several days, but it is difficult to capture such an event on film as she stops smiling the moment you break eye-contact. This milestone is such a heart melting one. There is nothing like seeing her big smile and that sparkle in her eyes. She has blessed us with two consecutive nights of 6 hour blocks of sleep. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Hopefully this is a permanent change. Chris and I are tired. Mya is still in newborn clothing, but each outfit is becoming a bit tighter and before long, they will be something of the past. I feel I say it every week, but I can't believe she is nearly 2 months...
Love ya,