Since our lives have calmed down a bit, I have been finding myself sitting, staring, and feeling completely overcome with emotion as I watch our children. I marvel at how blessed we are to have two amazing girls. Truly amazing. They are so similiar, yet unique. Claire has become a young lady of sorts, interested in babies, doing things herself and yet, doing things just like us. She is in love with Mya. She dotes on her like no other and when Mya expresses any sign of unhappiness, Claire changes her voice into a sweet, melodic tone and rushes to her side. Claire still loves to be held, snuggled and smothered with love. She cries when one of us leave to run errands, but is completely thrilled with her time at Miss Maureen's house. Claire loves to talk on the phone and is already such a tech-savy little princess. She'll definitely surpass our knowledge soon. She talks like a little grown-up so much of the time that we need to remind ourselves that she is only two. It is sometime...