Our sweet baby girl is 4 months old today. She truly is a sweetie. Her personality is shining through more and more everyday. Mya giggles at all sorts of noises and when we tickle her under her arms or chin. She is a pretty mellow kiddo who is thrilled all of the love and attention. Her smile can light a room. She is eating (6 ounces) and sleeping well (8 hours). Mya is wearing size 2 diapers and three to six month clothing. She is enjoying toys and other objects more and more. Mya likes to watch the ceiling fans, jump in her supersaucer or grasp rattles on her tray. Our baby girl has a special love for Claire and vice versa. Claire can make her smile like no one else. She is also the one who right by her side should she make a peep. They are certainly developing the bond that I could only hope they would have--all that sisters should be. Mya has been and continues to be such a blessing in our lives. She has filled an empty place in our hearts we didn't know existed and we possess more love for her than we'd thought imaginable. We are doing our best to savor every precious smile, giggle and snuggle. These four months have passed too quickly. She had her 4 month well baby check. It went well. Our NP was impressed with Mya's strength and her attention to stimuli. Mya is healthy, growing like a weed as my Dad would say. In fact, the NP suspects that Mya will very soon pass Claire in the height and weight department. Not my choice, but I guess it is out of my control. We discussed the flu and swine flu vaccinations extensively. Chris and I have opted to not vaccinate our children with either one at this point. Our NP supports that decision with no questions asked. Perhaps we will change our minds when the clinical trials are over in November. Mya received all her other vaccines (2 shots plus Rotovirus vac.). She whimpered for a moment, but that was it. She was a trooper. The NP looked at Mya's cafe au lait spots as she does each appointment. Although there has been no change in the number or size of the spots, she suggested referring us to a pediatric dermatologist to gather some baseline data. Neurofibromatosis continues to be a possibility, so we must monitor and watch for change. In the meantime, we will pray that God cares for our little one. We also talked about Mya's torticollis. It has improved, not disappeared, but improved. Chris and I were far from impressed with the physical therapist who, ironically, called me to make a follow-up appointment yesterday. Because home activities are the core treatment, we have decided to continue with those and not follow-up with the PT at this point. Again, our NP was extremely supportive. Love her. Anyway, here are Mya's stats:
length:25 inches (75th %ile)
weight:14 pounds, 2 ounces (70th %ile)
head circumference: 43 cm (90th %ile)
Love ya,