Wow, I can't believe i am writing this post already--6 months?? really?? in some ways it feels like just yesterday we were snuggling Mya in the hospital and in other ways, it feels as though she's been here forever. she is such a little blessing. mya has had quite an eventful month. she's had her first taste of rice cereal, rolled from her back to her front and not long after that, began to sit independently. she is on a roll. my friend alison told me about her son, who is the same age as Mya, loving the johnny jumper, so i picked one up. mya really likes it too. i think it gives her a sense of freedom being able to move sde to side vs. just up and down. she still likes the supersaucer as well as her baby einstein activity mat. she enjoys sitting in the bumbo for short periods of time, but much less than claire did. mya continues to be in love with her big sister. i mean head over heels, completely smitten with her. in mya's eyes, claire can do no wrong. she can bump her, take her toy, smother her with kisses, give her hugs that make her topple over, whatever it is, claire can do it and mya will love it. claire is truly a great big sister. she talks to mya in the sweetest little voice and is the first to respond to any noise mya should utter. if mya needs her paci, claire is there. claire has even fed mya a few spoonfuls of cereal, which they both enjoy. i am so thrilled with their obvious love for each other. i couldn't have planned it any better. mya is wearing 6 month clothing. she is a big girl, not fat, but just big. she seems much longer and more solid than claire was at her age. they are so similiar but so different. love that too. mya has such a huge smile. it is so adorable. she is beginning to giggle at peek a boo and will uncover herself to play her role in the game. in the past week or so, mya has discovered her voice. she is talking, talking, talking. i guess it is babbling, although the consonants are much fewer than the vowels at this point. she is interested in everything. mya is easily entertained by anything she can get her hands on. she much prefers sitting up vs. laying down. we've been trying to improve her sleep patterns a bit, so we swaddle her. this is working a bit better, although she still is waking every 5 hours or so. it seems to come and go. mya has officially grown out of her bassinet, so is sleeping in between chris and i. we tried to move her to her crib, but decided it was better to keep her in our bed for the time being. we'll make that transition in a few months. i stopped nursing mya at 5 1/2 months and when we empty our milk supply in the basement freezer, she will begin drinking formula full-time. she is a picky one. she doesn't like similac formula, which i happen to have a ton of coupons and checks for, but will drink enfamil. we'll go with that. just glad we found one that pleases her. she is alot like claire in that way. she likes what she likes and wants what she wants when she wants it. mya has already taken 2 airplane rides and will fly again to north dakota over the holidays. she is a great little baby just kicking back and going with the flow. we truly couldn't ask for better and love every minute that she is in our lives. the past 6 months have been filled with their share of hills and valleys, but now that we have each other figured out, the valleys are few and far between. we can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring.
Here are her stats as of her 11/24/09 appointment:
height 26" (80th %ile)
weight 16 pounds 11 oz (70th %ile)
head circumference 45.5 cm (97th %ile)
Mya was having a yucky day. She was fussy, drooling, and had a fever of 101.4. I chalked it up to teething , but felt better knowing she had an appointment this afternoon. Low and behold, Mya had her first ear infection in both ears. Consequently, I opted to not give her the immunizations this visit. Instead, she will receive an antibiotic for 10 days and we will do a recheck next week. If the infection is gone, we will get her immunizations.
Update 12/2/2009: Her first tooth popped through on Nov. 30. It is her lower left front tooth. Pretty cute.
Here are her stats as of her 11/24/09 appointment:
height 26" (80th %ile)
weight 16 pounds 11 oz (70th %ile)
head circumference 45.5 cm (97th %ile)
Mya was having a yucky day. She was fussy, drooling, and had a fever of 101.4. I chalked it up to teething , but felt better knowing she had an appointment this afternoon. Low and behold, Mya had her first ear infection in both ears. Consequently, I opted to not give her the immunizations this visit. Instead, she will receive an antibiotic for 10 days and we will do a recheck next week. If the infection is gone, we will get her immunizations.
Update 12/2/2009: Her first tooth popped through on Nov. 30. It is her lower left front tooth. Pretty cute.
Love ya,J