Confession time. Have I lived up to Casey's "Movin in March" guidelines? I'm afraid not, but I didn't really plan on following them exactly.
1. We did eat out.
2. I did exercise 3 times last week!!
3. I didn't eat any candy! The bag of cadbury minieggs is still locked up tightly in my cupboard.
4. I did lose 1.4 pounds.
Although my week didn't go exactly according to plan, I am okay with it. I am pleased that I actually made it to the gym. I am even happier that I ran 3/4 of a mile without throwing up! Perhaps that isn't really a possibility--I probably should have written "without having an exercise induced asthma attack." Chris can speak to this condition. I really do have EIA--or so I tell him.
On the food front, we are ordering Chinese food for dinner tonight. Yummy. Not eating out really isn't a realistic guideline for me, so I have to tweak the plan a bit. Here it is for this week:
1. Exercise 4 times. We will be breaking out the P90X hell too. For real this time :)
2. Limit eating/take out to 2 times.
3. Lose 3 pounds??
Here's to week 2!
love ya,J
Keep up the great work! Good luck with the p90X. You are brave!