prime example of why it was not a good picture day ;) |
example number 2. sensing a pattern. |

we ventured to seoul on saturday. we have a list of things to do before we leave south korea, but instead of getting shorter, the list seems to be growing. trying to live life to the fullest is our motto. that being said, one thing we've been told that is a must see/do is the coex mall. the mall itself is similar to the mall of america, but probably a bit smaller. it is hard to compare as it is organized completely different. instead of levels, it has squares. truthfully, i am not even sure how many there are. we tackled the mall with the aquarium as our goal. it was a great little jewel. i use little a bit loosely as it was far from little. the aquarium was filled with a large variety of sea life (manatees, seals, fish galore, sharks, penguins--all the usual players) as well as variety of others (bats, hedgehogs, monkeys, spiders--a very eclectic mix for sure). it was set up very well, wasn't too crazy busy that we had difficulty manuevering our stroller and the girls were engaged throughout. mya actually was probably more into the fish thing than claire, but i guess it is a new experience for mya and old hat for claire. mya was captivated at several tanks. they had fish in everything from sinks, to refridgerators, to bathtubs and lanterns. it was very unusual and mya seemed to think so as well. claire was quite taken with the scuba divers that were doing karate kicks in the tank. chris and i were pretty impressed with the wide variety of marine life. this aquarium tops the new england aquarium hands down. now if only it had been a good picture day, then it truly would have been a perfect. after the aquarium, we shopped a bit, ate a horrible lunch at tgi fridays (even american restaurants in korea are not american). their kids menu consisted of--and i am not making this up, steak and ribs, rice, and shrimp. i thought chicken strips and fries, hotdog, hamburger, etc. were pretty much standard fare. i was very wrong. needless to say our kids ate fries and shared our meals. lesson learned.
It seems like you guys are having a lot of fun in between every day life in Korea, other than the food choices? Should we mail you some chicken fingers?