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"Happys Father Day!"

Happy Father's Day to all the Daddy's out there! A big Happy Father's Day to my dear Daddy. I can't wait to see you very, very soon!
A huge Happy Father's Day to the Daddy of my babies. You are an amazing parent, role model and Daddy to our girls. I am so happy they have you to guide them, play with them, act silly with, and teach them. I know you feel as though you have given them less than they deserve this year due to the number of responsibilities you are trying to fulfill and need I  remind you of your soon to be finished MBA (yippee!), but understand, it is through this pursuit, you have shown them them with hard work and sacrifice, you can acheive all. We are all so very proud of you! I heard something fitting on the radio this morning, "You don't have to be perfect to be the perfect Daddy." So true. Despite your crazy work schedule, countless hours away from our girls, and juggling several things at once, you are absolutely perfect in the eyes of your children and that is what matters! This sacrifice we are facing as a family in Korea is nothing like the one we'd be facing if we were separated by an ocean. Our girls are blessed their Daddy is there to tuck them in and kiss them good-night (most nights ;). Absolutely blessed. May you never forget how much you are loved!

When looking for gifts, I am a perfectionist. I try to be extremely practical, not wasting money on something that will not be used multiple times or truly LOVED. I don't do stuffed animals. Hate them! I don't really do  "silly," primarily because I hate to see money wasted. So for example, last year, I sent Chris a Flip camera with a video taped message of our girls wishing him a "Happys Father Day" (hence the title of this post). I debated between golf lessons & new golf clubs since he'll have some time on his hands after August, but in the end decided to hold off. He's really sad that we'll be away all summer long. I am too, but I so desperately want/need to see my family and of course, let my family love on our kiddos. There is nothing like some Grammy/Papa lovin, not to mention cousins, Aunties and Uncles too. They are going to be in heaven! Anyway, in light of our absence, I found him a Kodak Pulse Digital photo frame. So cool. I can email pics to him directly via the frame-no uploading or anything! I'm so excited that he'll be able to see his kiddos day by day from the other side of the world whenever he so chooses. Awesome. I also had the girls decorate a matted picture of themselves for his office. I think he'll cherish these, probably won't be super thrilled, but again, my practical side (financially as well) took hold of this shopping trip.  After my birthday shopping (Chris went a bit crazy buying nearly everything on my wish list!), someone has to remain level headed ;) I can't wait to see my gifts awaiting my arrival in ND!! So flippin excited!  I do love this man! Hopfully he won't feel alone and disconnected looking at our pictures everyday.


Anonymous said…
Happy Fathers Day early Chris! I know it will be difficult being away from your family! I truly THANK YOU for sharing them with us this summer! This year has been so challenging not talking to you all everyday and NEVER seeing you! Kara was my best friend first remember! Words cannot express how EXCITED I am to see you guys! Wish you could come too Chris! Anyway, we are definitely counting down the days!

Love you guys,
Anonymous said…
P.S. How did you get those girls to sit and smile so nicely? They are quite the young ladies!

Anonymous said…
I have been waiting over a year to see those adorable little nieces again in person....can't believe it is finally only 10 or 11 days away! Can't wait!! I took off Friday July 1st to hang out! Sertoma Amusement Park and Raging Rivers may even be open by your arrival. Excited to see you all.

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