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What do we do during a Tropical Storm?

 It has rained for 3 days. Monsoon season is upon us and I couldn't be happier that we are leaving even if only for a couple months. I am so excited to see my family and friends. Here's a little view into our lives as we are trapped inside.

Chillin' on the couch. This kid and South Korea's humidity do not mix. She is constantly saying, "Momma, I hot!"

Sharing some yummy, yummy goodness--homemade oreo cookies and memories of my dear Grandma Arlene.

Reading, reading, and reading. THese will be going home to be shared with my sisters. I am pleased to say that a kindle is waiting for me at my parents house, so I will be toting paperback books no more. I enjoyed Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, as well as Still Life with Rice. House Rules wasn't too bad. The Alchemist had a good message, but not really my thing to read a book where the message is uncovered in the beginning, but illustrated throughout the book. I like my books to unfold as they go. Great message, though. The Uglies was good too, but not really my kind of read. Most of these were books that my book club was reading and I just haven't had a chance to read until now.

Texas Cavier. Claire isn't great about eating vegetables, but she LOVES this stuff. Mya too. Not exactly normal kid food, but I am so thrilled they love it. Yummy. Chris' commander is leaving, so this is actually going to the BBQ tomorrrow, along with the oreo cookies and one more salad I have yet to make.

Practicing Patience. I think this is my lesson. We are hard core potty training. Mya does well when we are home and I remind her, but when things get crazy or she is busy, it is easy to get frustrated. The other day she awoke at 3:30 am, calling for me to tell me she had to "go pee pee." Bless her heart.

We've also been dancing. I downloaded a bunch of Elizabeth Mitchell (used to have her on my blog, but can't now that I am in Korea), Glee music, and Jackie Evancho (10 year old opera sensation). She sings many of the songs I studied in College. Ahhh. I do miss real singing ;).  I found the cutest song EVER. I have a plan to do something with it when I am in ND. We'll see if I get around to it. It sounds like we are going to have one jam packed trip. My parents just bought a vacation home in AZ, so I am going to check it out with my Mom in a few weeks. Goodness, that is alot of travelling--MN, ND, MT, AZ! I am super excited to see my family and friends. I am even going to see one of my besties from Boston. I can hardly wait! Just wish
Chris would have been able to join us for a bit of the fun. He's feeling really bad about us leaving. He's been working even longer hours than normal this week and he has events over the weekend too since the new commander is coming and the old one is leaving. Our precious time together has been even less than usual, which is really hard. Hopefully we have one fun day together before we leave.


Anonymous said…
Ok potty training on a toy? What is that about! Call me I have something to tell ya! ASAP! We are TOTALLY excited to see you! Poor Mya, she will love seeing all her nude pics on the net when she is older!

LOve ya,J
Anonymous said…
PS I LOVE MY KINDLE! You will too! Can't wait til you get yours!

Love ya,
Anonymous said…
What is this about everyone going to see the AZ home before me? I would like to see it too! I am instead stuck in Minot, experiencing the flood to top all floods. Yay for no drinking water. :(

Kara said…
@ Lauren--I called you yesterday. Did you get my message? I'll try to call again tomorrow. Just want to make sure you were in the loop regarding Minneapolis. If you can get the time off, come to AZ too! It would be fun! Can't wait to see you. I've been watching the flood coverage. Soo, so, sad. Unbelievable really...
Anonymous said…
Yah I got your message! I was at work when you called. It feels like I am always there. I hate telling the elderly they cannot shower or drink their water. Awful! They need those showers, not to mention me. Even after a day I feel as tho I could use nothing more than a nice warm shower. A couple of my friends houses are flooded and my summer school is probably toast. I really wish we had water to drink and bathe in. Guess we will discover the status of that today.

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