Mya and Claire helping me make sugar cookies. Yummy! |
We were graced with our first real snowfall on Christmas Eve morning. The girls were thrilled and itching to get outside. |
Mya was a little less thrilled when her mitten fell off and she was stranded. |
Crazy Claire modeling her hat which is on backwards. |
Getting ready to run, realizing I also have a snowball in my hand! |
Mya helping to keep me supplied with snow! |
Claire a little less impressed with my surprise attack! |
Mya opening her Christmas present from Auntie Jessica and Uncle Nate. She is in love with baby Gia! |
Love at first sight! |
Jessica did a great job picking out this baby. Her hair is nearly identical to Mya's! So cute. |
All Claire wanted for Christmas was Barbie's. Needless to say, she now has plenty and she is thrilled! |
Mya loves to mess with my hair. She gets this quality from school. The teachers love to do her hair so she shares the love at home. Anyway, baby Gia actually has hair much like a human's, so Mya can do her hair too ;) |
Claire opening her Barbie cooking set from Auntie J and Uncle Nate. She was so excited to see 2 barbies and a real kitchen! Chris was putting together toys much of the evening. |
Big smiles. |
It is a happy day. |
Our Christmas was strange this year. We didn't have a plan and just kind of went with whatever we felt at the moment. Very very different from our norm. This even included a trip to the movie theater on Christmas Eve. Odd. Anyway, we typically follow my tradition in opening presents on Christmas Eve, but I thought we'd switch it up this year since it was only us and open them on Christmas Day. That plan went up in smoke when the girls gave Chris "the look." He went limp under their spell and the opening began on Christmas Eve.
One of the biggest pleasure I experienced was our gift to the gate guards. We gave the guards on duty a $25 gift card each time we went through on Christmas Eve. Each one was surprised and thankful, but Chris and I were much more fulfilled by the act of kindness. Hopefully our children continue to learn the joy is truly in giving and not just in receiving.
The second biggest pleasure was sharing in my family's Christmas via Facetime. Love it. I watched my nieces and nephew fulfill our family tradition of a performance before opening presents. They went all out this year with costumes and props, so it was fantastic to see! We also watched everyone open their presents. So fun. It felt like I was sort of there with them. Not quite, but almost. I love my family so much.
With that here's a big shout out to my Mom and Dad for their generosity. They went overboard this year with a quilted Christmas table runner, Coach purse, Oakley's and money, which Chris and I are putting towards our Ipads. SO excited! Thanks also to Jessica and Nate. You are awesome. The girls loved their gifts. They were thrilled, really. Thank you so much for addressing and mailing our Christmas cards. Thank you, thank you!