An awesome package arrived yesterday in the mail from my parents. Yippee!! I love packages so much more living in Korea than I even did stateside. A huge appreciation. Anyway, I opened the box and left it in the kitchen. Not long after, I catch Mya (the girl who is all about fun) running over to the box, grabbing an overflowing handful of filler. Shredded paper. Um. Yeah. Bad news. I stopped her, but it didn't seem to phase her. She simply turned around and returned to the living to enjoy the rewards of her previous reaping. Yep. Snow. All. over. the. floor. She and Claire were in heaven. Me...not so much. :)
On an family has been checking in daily on the status of clothing in our house, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Mya almost always, but quite often Claire as well, for the last two weeks that we have been hanging at home have preferred to run around in their undies. Sometimes with shirts, sometimes without. There. The cat is out of the bag. I will say, Chris and I have been fully clothed--only sometimes in our pajamas ;) I love vacation!
On another aside--check out Claire's legs in that last picture. That girl looks ripped! :)
Love ya, j