Sweet girl. She fell asleep with the animal crackers tucked in tightly. |
1. We went to our first movie in the Korean theater on Sunday. It was nice. Claire started asking why the Korean workers like her so much? I found that question rather amusing as we've lived her a year and a half and in that time, she's had her picture taken thousands of time and has been picked up by so many strangers who ooo and ahhh over her, yet, she is just now asking why? Funny stuff.
2. We discovered our new favorite tv show--Modern Family. We'd seen a few episodes, but never watched consistently. We wandered down to our favorite dvd store, picked up the first two seasons. It is now our favorite evening past time after we put the kids to bed. So funny.
3. We are STILLLL waiting on news of our next assignment. I am now to the point where I forget about not knowing. It is pushed back to some unknown corner of my brain where only when I am asked, does it even come to mind. Waiting stinks.
4. I ordered my first pair of skinny jeans. This is huge. I swore I'd never wear a pair, but I got the most amazing boots for Christmas and they definitely require a skinny jean. Can't wait for Saturday when they arrive!
5. Mya has become pretty independent with the potty. She uses it as an excuse to get out of bed at night. Now we let her go, but we let her do it without assistance. Well, that independence lead to a shocking surprise later that night. Chris went in to bring her to our bed (she hasn't been sleeping well and wakes up crying) only to discover her naked from the waist down. So funny.
6. Saku Saku (or Korean chicken as known to Claire and Mya) is addicting and so darn yummy. Good thing I waited until 6 months before I am leaving Korea to try it or I may have been 300 pounds by now. Oh my. It. is. delicious. Claire and Mya both eat 4 pieces each. I am certain it is laced with some sort of drug. It has to be. :) Mmmmm, so good.
7. Chris finally finished Mya's 2nd video and Claire's 3rd summarizing their year of life. He had fallen behind when his plate became so full with work, grad school, etc., but I am thrilled to say that he is almost caught up. I will post them soon. So cute. The girls LOVE watching them. We watch each one almost daily. Such a wonderful keepsake.
8. I had our car washed for the first time since August. Ha. When I pulled up to the car wash during a light sprinkle, the guy thought I was crazy. However, it looked lovely. Now, of course, it is dirty again. Oiy. I need a car wash attendant and a maid--oh yeah, I fired her in December. Ugh. Maybe I can clone myself. That would solve so many issues ;)
Love ya, J