You'd think I'd be used to waiting. You'd think I'd have developed some patience by now. You'd think this whole game gets easier. You'd think I'd be less anxious. You'd think.....but NO! I stink at waiting. I hate not knowing. I hate the uncertainty of not being in control. I am going CRAZY! This game in particular refers to our next assignment. We developed our "list," checked it twice, revised it a few more and after thinking about some particulars, revised it once more. That list was sent and now we WAIT! Let's face it, the list is simply kindness shown by those in charge which allows us to THINK we have a say in this whole process, but when it comes right down to it, THEY will put us where they may. I am not a throw it in your face type of religious person, but I believe strongly that the ultimate decision of where we may go is up to God. I am okay with wherever it may be. I. JUST. WANT. TO. KNOW! NOW! This next assignment is a big one for us. Chris will ultimately receive his promotion to Major there, Claire and Mya BOTH will begin school (OMG! Tear, tear to that realization.), and our life story will continue to be told. It is such an awesome journey that we are on, but I am impatient. I want to know what's next while I am trying to savor each moment of now. Here's to hoping that day will be this week....
You wanted it, you asked for it, so here it is. A post. Hopefully this post will satisfy all your desires. I am not writing about the apple of my eye, Claire, but of the other apple of my eye--reality tv. I love it! Right now I am getting my fill of Big Brother. I have even lured Chris into my dark place. He mostly watched last season because Dick was such a jerk, but Chris is hooked. He's a dedicated viewer once again this season. Sadly, he was a fan of Matty who was kicked off a few weeks ago. I don't think I have a favorite. I find them all to be so obnoxious, yet I watch. Go figure. I obviously need some more excitement in my life. Girls who wear butt showing shorts, screaming matches, verbal abuse, crazy eyes, back stabbing, boys running around in their colored tighty whiteys (if tighty whiteys are colored, are they still called tighty whiteys?)---all in one episode! It is a gold mine. My second can't miss show is Housewives of Orange County or New York City. I really ...