This was our parting gift for Ms. Kim. I found the quote and had the lady put it on the sign. Perfect for the way Claire views her. Ahhh, such love. Poor Ms. Kim had a tough time saying good-bye. I was the same. Good-byes stink. Well, dear friends, 2 years has nearly come and gone. I can't quite believe we are here. We've moved out of our house, our treasures are packed and moved (all 13,100 pounds of them), sold Chris' junky car, I've cleaned out my classroom for the last time, said some good byes to colleagues, begun my last days of Korean shopping and now, we are getting ready to go to Chris' farewell dinner with his squadron. Monday will be the hardest day. I've read and researched ways to ease the transition with children. We've talked about the move, ways we'll keep in touch, things to look forward to, focused on the positive and tried to keep it all tearless. Claire cried last night. She's said things like, "I don't want to l...