Get your dirty mind out of the gutter. T&A, in this case, refers to Tonsils and Adenoids. Mya went into surgery on Wednesday at 6:30 am for her T&A removal. She was a superstar! Chris and I waited nervously for the word that all was well. Sending her off with the anesthesiologist and nurse was one of the hardest moments I have faced as her Momma. I cried. She didn't, but I did. I suppose that isn't a surprise to most. Anyway, 30 minutes later, she was in post-op recovery. 10 minutes after her arrival there, Mya was awake, but groggy and snuggling with her Daddy. They did end up removing her adenoids as well. They were medium to large sized. She was then moved to the same day surgery recovery room where she drank a bit more, had her vitals checked a couple of times and finally, had her IV removed. She was set to go home by 9:30 am. It was great. We spent the rest of the day and the next few days chillin at home. She helped me pack a few boxes as well, but we mostly snuggled. It was nice. This kid is truly a champ.
I've only been giving her ibuprofen, which was going well. I tried to give her tylenol with codine, but the kid was awake 2 hours after receiving it complaining that her throat hurt and crying. Last night we tried just regular tylenol, but again, it was a night from hell. She was awake, crying most of the night. We had to ride it out until early morning to give her more pain meds, which was horrible. Chris ended up staying home with her. Poor thing. I guess we'll stick with the ibuprofen, although it is linked to bleeding, which scares me. Ugh.
Chris and I are totally amazed at the difference. She keeps her mouth closed (asleep and awake), doesn't snore and her voice has gone up about an octave. It is a bit more squeaky, but I suppose that will adjust when the swelling decreases. It is a dramatic difference and has reinforced our thoughts that we made the right decision.
Not sure why the pose. This is her latest thing--she wants to be doing something for every picture. On this day, it was hands in the air! |
A little Agent Oso to get her in the mood. |
In the crazy pajamas and chillin in the bed. |
Off she goes. |
Recovery. The tube next to her face is blowing oxygen at her. |
Vital check in recovery. |
Watching her IV being taken out. Almost time to go home. |
Look at that little IV. |
One happy kid--on her way home! |
Watching tv in a box. Why? According to Claire, "because she's a queen." That she is ;) |
I am glad it is over for all of you.
love ya,