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Mya-4 years old!

Little Miss Mya,
I probably say this every birthday, but really, how in the world did we get here? How is that you can be 4 years old already? Another birthday on another continent. That makes 3 out of 4 birthdays on 3 different continents. Not many kids can say that. You have changed so much this year. It really is amazing to look in my rear view window. The changes and growth are mesmerizing. You're vocabulary is through the roof. You talk like you are twelve, using words like, "cool" or "so cute." It melts my heart to hear them roll off your tongue.

You are Little Miss Social. You LOVE school. Everyday when I pick you up, you need to say good bye to almost every teacher and give hugs to your friends. You shine when you've earned "purple" for the day which means a trip to the treasure chest.  You and school have come a LONG way. You began preschool not really knowing anything. Your attention was fleeting and you HATED when Daddy left you in the morning. Now, almost 9 months later, you know most of your letters, some of the sounds, you can write your name, & count to 20. You are super excited as your class is investigating tadpoles, watching and waiting for them to turn into frogs. Daddy and I were so worried that school was going to be a tough go for you. Boy were we wrong. We should have known better, knowing your personality, but you had us worried. We are so glad that Ms. Kris loves you as her own. She has offered to keep you, but I can't seem to let you go ;) She does such a great job teaching through projects, exploring through sensory bins, bringing animals to class and taking you outside for nature walks. She has been such a blessing and you absolutely love her.

Your best friend is definitely Claire. You love her more than anything. You do your best to be like her, but you are quick to point out when she isn't making the best choices. You have started trying to read like her and write sentences like her. I love when you work to emulate the positives. You and Claire love to play babies, jump on the trampoline, ride your bike and go on walks. When I take you to the bike trail next to our house, you frequently ditch your bike and begin running. You do enjoy a good run, requesting your turn to "exercise" on our treadmill following my workout. Love that!

You have another best friend in Asa. Thankfully, their family has become our own. We love them too. Teachers at school joke that you and Asa will marry one day. While I don't necessary want to think about that, I am so glad that you have a wonderful friend with whom you spend each day and I am so very glad that you are able to have fun together. You are always laughing, playing and always smiling when you are together. That's what friendship is all about.

Mya, you are a snuggling girl. You always have been and I hope that never changes. You love to curl up on the couch or nestle into my arms while we lay on my bed. Let that never change. You have an amazing personality. You are outgoing, daring and sensitive. You cry simply because you see others in pain. You love to take risks and try new things and you are the first to help when needed. You certainly remind me of myself when I was young. I guess that is why I consider you my "mini-me." We look very much alike and according to my parents, act alike (or at least how I acted when I was 4). I hope you always possess those qualities. Life is about trying new things and having compassion for others. Those qualities will help you make a difference in this world.

Things that you love:
1. helping me cook
2. wearing baseball hats
3. SHOES! This has been a long, lasting love, but Grammy brought you sandals when she visited. You wanted nothing more than to wear them. You attempted each day, but I couldn't let you wear sandals to school--not to mention the temperature was only 60 degrees.
4. Bugs, worms, etc. You found a worm and declared it your "pet worm." You frequently put bugs in your pockets, so we have to do a check before we go inside.
5. Visiting people. You love to chat with our neighbors, invade their space and make them love you :) We are working hard to teach you about boundaries.
6. Babies. Real or pretend, it makes no difference. You just love to dote on them and tend to their every need.
7. Birthdays. Everyday you wake up wondering if it is your birthday. You tell us the date of your birthday, but you aren't quite certain when that is. Seeing your excitement is so much fun.
8. Dancing/Singing. You've been doing the robot and twisting your hips and other forms of dancing for quite some time. You love music. Everytime the radio is on, you move your head and shoulders, but lately, you are trying to learn all the words. You often lay in bed at night, singing songs you've heard on my Ipod. It is quite funny. Thankfully, you only can recall the chorus or typically a line or two. Daddy was playing "Thrift Store," which you really enjoyed. You went to school singing, "I've got 20 dollas in my pocket" to all of your friends. Thankfully, you didn't capture the rest. Phew!
9. Swimming. You LOVE to swim. You are like a little fish. I can't wait to see you swimming in a few years as you really simply need to grow to progress. You are able to back float, swim underwater, and can do the front crawl, but aren't quite tall enough to refine it at this point.
10. Ballet. I am not sure you have the necessary grace required for ballet, but you LOVE it. That is all that matters at this point.

You've really settled down and come into your own this past year. I frequently use the words, "Mya is all about the fun" and I think that still holds true. You make even the dullest of situations filled with fun. Although that quality can be difficult to handle (think--viewing a house or trying to pick out paint colors while Mya is gearing up for a game of "chase" or "find the prettiest color"--um yeah), I can't imagine not having your fun filled perspective in our family. You make each and everyday filled with smiles, love and a whole lot of entertainment.

I pray that you continue to find beauty in the simple things--flowers, bugs, art. That you come to your Daddy and I with your troubles, that you use kind words instead of anger. I pray you continue to live a life filled with abundant love, that you show respect for everyone, and that you always be strong and courageous in your actions and character. Finally, I pray for purity and innocence. May they never leave you.

You are an amazing child, Mya. You truly are a gift from God. We love you more than these words will ever illustrate. Your Daddy and I are so proud of who you have become and we look forward to walking with you through life as your parents. You are so loved.

Happy Birthday, My.
Momma and Daddy


Anonymous said…
You write the BEST letters! I pale by comparison. Love it!
Kara said…
Thank you, Lisa. I have to write them for we all know my memory will totally fade by the time I am 40! All my children will blend into one at that point ;)
Anonymous said…
I am living proof! Terrible mother! All my memories are sad.
Anonymous said…
I'm also jealous....I am working hard to finish his baby book...but no photo albums or books have been done...ugh! Cross your fingers for me today!!!

Love ya j

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