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Big Plans...

We are officially in the final countdown. 29 days until Pedro arrives. I've spent the last two weeks dreaming, researching and planning about the changes that will occur as I said adios to my final. pregnancy. This is my last one. I feel pretty certain at this point that Pedro will be our youngest child and definitely certain that he will be the last child I deliver. That being said, adoption has weighed on our hearts and mind for the past few years and perhaps, if that continues, we may finally take that leap as well. Time will tell.

I am so anxious to reclaim my body. I have cherished nearly every minute of this gift, which was my ultimate goal, but as my back pains become more unbearable and my heels ache, I am left looking ahead. The next year will be spent focusing on ME while juggling our new life as a family of 5.

1. I'll be reconnecting with my trainer who will kick my butt 2 days per week. She is totally awesome, comes to my house, encourages the girls to workout with me and pushes me without being insanely cruel.

2. Stepping up the cardio & weight training to 5 days per week. This will likely mean 2 separate sessions. I am not entirely sure how this is going to go at this point. I envision an early morning session as well as an evening/nightly session when the kids are in bed, but we'll have to see. We have a treadmill at home and transitioned our garage into a gym of sorts, so everything I need is immediately available. I am considering trying Crossfit.  A friend at work is hard core into crossfit and she has an amazing body. She is trying to take me under her wing and I am intrigued, but a bit intimidated. It is INSANE! I may just have to give it a try.

3. Embracing clean eating. My goal is to go 80% clean. We already do quite a bit of clean eating, but I inhale my fair share of sugar and processed foods. The challenge is navigating the German grocers to find healthy options. This will also involve sticking to our meal plan. I ordered vinyl chalkboard decals which Chris & I complete each week. We then, develop our grocery list based on the menu. It gets a bit muddled as I have to pack Mya's lunch everyday, which means a few additional items are purchased, but all in all, the plan has helped cut our grocery bill and helped cut back on the unnecessary items in our cart. I am also cutting out diet coke completely. I've done this before, but diet coke to me is like coffee to most. It flows through my veins!

4. I'd like to run a race of some kind. The base offers 5K's on occasion, so I'll start with that and see what happens. My trainer is an avid runner. She's run numerous marathons and while I don't have a desire to go that far, I'd like to challenge myself with some kind of event.

My ultimate goal is to get back down to my pre-baby weight. I mean, before Claire weight which will include a weight loss of around 60+ pounds.  I want to embrace a healthy lifestyle, rediscover the joy of being active and feel great about the way I look. More importantly, I want to model for my children the importance of good health and healthy eating.

My only concern with my plan is the interference this may have with breastfeeding. I nursed/pumped exclusively with both girls for an entire year. This was a huge feat and sacrifice for me and I want the same for Pedro. I will have to take it one day at a time and see how it all flows together.

I am so anxious to get the ball rolling. The 29 days are going to fly by, then I'll need some time to adjust to my new life, but then it is ON! Cannot wait to see and feel big changes.


Anonymous said…
Ok I'm having troubles with the Pedro reference. I can't wait til you reveal the real name so we can move beyond this one. We are anxiously awaiting the little guys arrival. It's hard to believe Avery is 7 weeks nOw. She is growing too fast. I can do relate to waiting time to move forward and to slow down all at once. Now that Jackson is potty training it's hard to remember him as my baby. How has 23 months gone so fast? The girls will love playing with Jackson this summer. He will love having them around too. Although his hero these days seems to be cousin Luke!

Love ya, j
Anonymous said…
Since you won't let me comment on your latest post I'm doing it here! You are a strong person! I'm lucky to call you my sister and one of my best friends! You have always been there for me, telling me everything will be alright, putting my mind at ease, and straightening me oUt when I'm in the wrong! I look up to you more than you will ever know! You are super human. You have done some amazing things despite many curve balls being thrown in your way! You always come out on top! Claire, Mya and the baby have the best mommy! I am here for you and always will be! I'm a phone call away, a plane ride away (a really long one) but I would do it in a heartbeat! We love you all so much!

Love ya, J
Kara said…
Thanks J. You are pretty sweet. I am obviously very hormonal right now :) Today is much better. It is amazing what a nap followed up with a good night's sleep can do. I am back to my happy, optimistic self with a bit of realism thrown in. Everything is gonna be alright!
Erin said…
So, about crossfit and breastfeeding - be careful. I tried to do a hardcore exercise routine while feeding Conor and my body had a hard time producing enough milk (and I had an oversupply to begin with). Once I stopped all my milk came back.

That being said. The weight will come off, you will look great, and that's that!
Kara said…
I've heard that before, Erin. We'll have to see how it goes.
Anonymous said…
Yes Kara. Just focus on eating healthy and enjoy snuggles in the beginning. You will definitely have time to jump into an exercise regimen but establish a routine for your new life as a family if five first! Hang in there the last month is a challenge but it goes quickly!

Love ya, j

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