One week has passed since we became a family of 5. Overall, life is pretty wonderful. We've been well taken care of by friends who have provided meals. We have more coming in the upcoming two weeks. We've introduced Gavin to Chris' office crew and my work friends. He is well loved by all. We are so thankful for our family overseas who truly love our children like their own. It was gorgeous yesterday, so we spent most of the day outside with our neighbor friends, digging a garden and enjoying a barbeque for dinner.
Gavin's first week was filled with alot of sleeping, eating and pooping as are most newborns. He also underwent 3 weight checks and a heel prick for jaundice. Unfortunately, Gavin's weight was down 8% when we were discharged, then dropped 11.5% at the check on Tuesday, remained the same on Thursday. The doctor recommended we supplement with formula. I wasn't game for this plan. I sought the advice of my more experienced friends, who provided me with some useful information and suggestions. Information that I took and ran with. We had increased feedings on Tuesday, but my milk hadn't come in until late Tuesday night. Gavin simply needed more time. We continued with feedings every 2 hours, but also on demand. This seemed to do the trick. Another weight check on Friday revealed an increase of 5%. We are now in the clear until his 2 week well baby check later this week.
Mya had show and tell at her school on Friday and was eager to show Gavin to her friends. We practiced what she was going to say, but the kiddo froze when she got in front of her friends. Thankfully, her teacher, who is also expecting a baby in July, asked her questions to get her talking. Mya wrapped up her show and tell by offering her friends the opportunity to hold Gavin. So sweet. Her teacher jumped in and had a discussion on germs and their effect on his weak immune system. Phew!
After Mya's show and tell, Gavin had his doctor appointment for a weight check. I fed him in the parking lot and then had to change his diaper. The moment I took off his diaper, the poop started flying. Seriously. The little bugger started pushing out explosive poop. It slid down my leg, hit the door, window, my water bottle, basically anything within a 1 foot radius. It was awesome! Changing Gavin's diapers have been an experience. Chris was struggling initially as Gavin would pee the moment the diaper came off--2 times, urine hitting his own face, but I am sad to say that I seemed to have join those ranks. I've had a pee in the face diaper change as well. Needless to say, we're learning as we go!
One week post surgery and I feel great. It is funny. Prior to his birth, I was sleeping from 8-6 everyday. I never really experienced difficulty sleeping. I must truly be part cat. I was nervous and actually worried about how sleep deprivation would affect me. I am pleased to say, so far so good! I am tired, but Gavin has followed in his sisters' shoes. He wakes, eats, and falls right back to sleep. We spent the first 4 days sleeping in the recliner in our living room as it was much easier for me to get in and out of than our bed, which was too high. We've since moved back into our bed and Gavin sleeps in the rock and play next to our bed. It is going quite well. He is a really mellow and laid back baby. Gavin is truly the third child who can sleep through anything! For that, I am totally thankful as our house is never quiet! I am no longer on pain medication, walking more and beginning to focus on proper diet. I've lost 20 pounds thus far with about 20 more to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Gavin's first week was filled with alot of sleeping, eating and pooping as are most newborns. He also underwent 3 weight checks and a heel prick for jaundice. Unfortunately, Gavin's weight was down 8% when we were discharged, then dropped 11.5% at the check on Tuesday, remained the same on Thursday. The doctor recommended we supplement with formula. I wasn't game for this plan. I sought the advice of my more experienced friends, who provided me with some useful information and suggestions. Information that I took and ran with. We had increased feedings on Tuesday, but my milk hadn't come in until late Tuesday night. Gavin simply needed more time. We continued with feedings every 2 hours, but also on demand. This seemed to do the trick. Another weight check on Friday revealed an increase of 5%. We are now in the clear until his 2 week well baby check later this week.
Mya had show and tell at her school on Friday and was eager to show Gavin to her friends. We practiced what she was going to say, but the kiddo froze when she got in front of her friends. Thankfully, her teacher, who is also expecting a baby in July, asked her questions to get her talking. Mya wrapped up her show and tell by offering her friends the opportunity to hold Gavin. So sweet. Her teacher jumped in and had a discussion on germs and their effect on his weak immune system. Phew!
After Mya's show and tell, Gavin had his doctor appointment for a weight check. I fed him in the parking lot and then had to change his diaper. The moment I took off his diaper, the poop started flying. Seriously. The little bugger started pushing out explosive poop. It slid down my leg, hit the door, window, my water bottle, basically anything within a 1 foot radius. It was awesome! Changing Gavin's diapers have been an experience. Chris was struggling initially as Gavin would pee the moment the diaper came off--2 times, urine hitting his own face, but I am sad to say that I seemed to have join those ranks. I've had a pee in the face diaper change as well. Needless to say, we're learning as we go!
Love you, J