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Dearest Mya,
5 years ago our world forever changed. Your arrival put a large dash of spice in our lives! I can't believe you are already 5 years old as it seems just yesterday I was putting the cute little pink hat with the large flower on you and taking your pictures to share you with the world. Looking back, you were so tiny, so quiet, and yet, made your presence known. Today is not much different. You are such a big piece of our puzzle.

You are the person in our family that makes "us" known. I often say that you know everyone and that you've never met a stranger. You seem to know everyone and if we come across someone you hadn't met yet, you leave them as a friend. This includes adults, babies, children. It doesn't matter who you  meet, you chat with them all. You have that type of personality. I'll admit, it drives me crazy at times. I am one that prefers to mind my own business, sometimes hiding within myself, but having you as my sidekick, pushes me out of my comfort zone. You are such a little social being, thriving in any social situation. We are working on boundaries, the difference between strangers, acquaintances, and friends, which is especially challenging given our situation here. Being on a military base, everyone knows everyone or knows someone who you know. Because we are essentially in one huge family over here, people are very tolerant of each other and much more friendly than we would find in the U.S. Again, this presents a unique challenge when teaching these differences as no one is really a stranger.

You have such a love for life with a smile that lights up your entire face. You are delighted by the smallest things--helping me wash windows, doing your "challenging work," holding your brother, walking Mojo (our neighbor's dog), grocery shopping with me, greeting our neighbors, and helping me bake to name just a few. You are simply adorable. I can't believe how much you've learned this year. Your vocabulary is growing, you are constantly surprising us with tidbits of knowledge--who is on the 5 dollar bill, who is the 1st President of the US, spouting off addition facts like a 1st grader. The list is endless. We are so proud of you. This year has been a big one for learning big things--riding a 2 wheel bike, swimming like a fish in the fitness pool (moved up to Level 2 lessons--youngest kiddo in your class), jumping off the diving board and swimming to the wall all by yourself, tying your shoes, reading. I can only imagine what you will accomplish as a 5 year old!

Mya, you are still the sweetest little thing on two feet. You are so loving and caring towards friends and family. You are the first to run to Gavin when he cries, the first to offer comfort to someone crying and the first to help when needed. That being said, you are also the most stubborn, sensitive, frustrating child too! You like to do things on your own terms. You like to be in charge. You like to be in control. It is such a fine line between letting you be who you are and fostering your spirit and reigning you in with guidance and direction. Daddy and I struggle to walk this line each and everyday. You get so upset when Daddy & I raise our voices or attempt to discipline you, crying and saying things like, "I can just go away." Not sure where you learn these things, but they are always very dramatic. You have a fire like none I've seen, yet, we must teach you to be obedient and respectful. We are making progress, but Daddy and I have more gray hairs than we'd care to admit.

Your favorite thing to play is babies. You LOVE playing babies with anyone and everyone. Thankfully, Claire is pretty good at negotiating, so you play babies, then switch to spies, school  or something else that she prefers. You also love doing puzzles. You are quite the whiz at them. You love riding bike, jumping on the trampoline, visiting with friends, swimming, and finding bugs.

Mya, raising you is so much different than raising your sister. I suppose it should be like that--very different. You are such a blend of Daddy and I, which is probably why the frustration is spread equally. We love you more than any word on any page. You are such a beautiful child, inside and out. You possess every quality I would ever desire and although at times, the free spirit in you, challenges us as parents, we never want to dim that fire. It is what is going to carry  you through life and help you succeed beyond what we can imagine. Several people have said that you will either be a diplomat or a cruise ship director. While I am not sure what you will become, I have no doubt that you will change the lives of countless people. Your spirit, zest for life, intelligence, and beautiful energy are amazing gifts from God that will help his plan unfold. Your Daddy and I are simply blessed to walk with you as the story unfolds. We love you!
Starting her day off right with a big sister duty.

Cupcakes for her "Celebration of Life" at school. 

So excited! 


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