I thought I'd start something new on this blog of mine. I've explained over and over the purpose of my blog or at least one purpose. However, there is a much bigger purpose than just to give friends and family near and far a sneak peek of our daily happenings. That purpose is to document for my children the love and wishes I have for them. I suppose a diary of sorts, but instead of disclosing my deep dark thoughts, I'd present my children with little life lessons. Things that help make the world go round. Things that are a bit too big for them to "get" now, but maybe years down the road, they can look back and know that I was truly trying to be a parent. So here it goes...Little Life Lesson #1--Graciously Accepting Gifts (Just in time for Christmas!!) When people give us gifts . . . in any way shape or size . . . we are to accept them with gratitude. Not always because we necessarily love what they're giving us, but because they thought enough of us to give u...