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Showing posts from January, 2009


We had our second snow day of the year on Wednesday. They were predicting snow (8-12 inches for us) with ice/sleet followed by rain. It seems the storm took a turn. We ended up with 5 inches of snow and the rain. Tony came over to plow our driveway and our neighbor, Mike shoveled our walks. I took care of the back deck and made sure the track on the roof was clear so the water could run off. This was a bit exhaustive as it involved hanging out of a bedroom and bathroom windows with a shovel in hand. I am sure I looked crazy, but I have to do what I have to do. Anyway, we awoke on Thursday to a very icy driveway. I had thrown some ice melt on the steps when we woke up at 5:30, so they were fine, but the rest was icy. Evidently, some kind soul is looking out for us. I arrived home to a huge container of kitty litter on my steps. I soon discovered it wasn't kitty litter, but treated sand. Someone had taken the time to spread some out on my driveway as well. It was definitely such a ki...

Happy Place

Ahhhh, I've once again returned to my happy place. I'm feeling much better today. My brain is clear and refreshed. Just a couple of Claire things... Her recent favorite saying is "I have that?" She says this for any and everything she wants. It is adorable. The other night we were laying in bed, winding down and I was crying. She had asked for a "tssoo" moments before which I didn't understand, probably because I had never heard that request before. Anyway, she finally said "nose" and pointed in the general direction in which turned the lightbulb in my head on. I gave her the tissue and she wiped my eyes and nose, then proceeded to wipe her own. This kid is too cute. I am so lucky to have her with me during this deployment. She keeps me busy, sane and grounded. Love her, love her, love her.

Farewell and Good Riddens

Warning to Chris who rarely speaks his political opinion and supports his nation and leaders as he should: You Probably Shouldn't Read This Post... Because I am feeling extra irritated and a bit more bitter than in days past, I am writing this post. On the way to school this morning, the radio station was having people call in and leave farewell messages for our dear outgoing President Bush. Instead of calling in, I will air my message on this blog. I do not consider myself a political person. Growing up, my Parents, Grandparents and Uncles were extremely vocal about their views/opinions, so I've heard the debates. I, myself, have chosen to take a less involved approach. I tend to side more with Democrats than Republicans because of my more liberal views, but vote according to the issues and how they affect me and my family. With that being said, here we go... Bye-bye, Mr. Bush. I can't say that I will miss you at all. I hope you look back on your Presidency as I will, reme...

18 months

Claire turned 18 months this week. As with most things lately, I can't believe how quickly time passes. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. 18 months is far more exciting than that point was. She is definitely a toddler. She LOVES to climb. Claire uses anything and everything (the remote, a doll, a shirt, etc.) to hoist herself onto the coffee table. She stands on her rocking chair to raise herself to the level of the tv. Claire loves to sing. She sings "Rain, Rain Go Away," & "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" independently. When she's playing, I often hear her singing to herself. Claire is basically able to recite her ABC's, although not every letter is intelligible. She counts to 10 with guidance as she loves to throw in the number 9 at various points along the way. Claire loves to watch me cook. She eagerly awaits my direction for her to put in some cheese or other ingredient. Claire is a chatter-box. She is talk...

21 Weeks

This pregnancy has been a whirlwind. It has flown by so quickly, I find it hard to believe I am nearly 22 weeks along already. While pregnant with Claire, I was so good at blogging and journaling every little thing. Not the case this time around, although I have enjoyed being pregnant more than the first time around. I think that is because there have been no surprises. I have been prepared for each change and have known what to expect. This kiddo is a mover and a shaker. I have felt her move since 17 weeks, which is far earlier than with Claire. On each ultrasound we've had, this kiddo is constantly on the move. This has even been true since 7 weeks. I have begun telling my students at school about the pregnancy and each has their own ideas for names. Chris and I have yet to come to an agreement on that front. Such a tough decision. We have 16 weeks left to find the perfect one. I have been telling Claire there is a baby in my tummy as the tummy is her latest discovery. She loves ...


Claire is definitely a woman of the world. She is well travelled for a little girl of nearly 18 months and is very knowledgable of her environment. From the minute she was born, Claire has been alert. I like to call it that, Chris would probably call it nosey. Anyway, she is very observant and as a result is wise beyond her years. She is requesting her own cell phone, so she can not only talk, but text. Like mother like daughter. How about it Daddy? (On a side note...doesn't she look so old? I can't quite believe how big she has gotten.)

Back in the Swing...

It has been a long month with no phone, cable or internet. It has been an even longer week of scheduling issues with Comcast, but we are back on the saddle once again. Our beloved cable guy just left and we have service. Amen! The last two days have been filled with alot of cleaning, organizing, and painting. While our cleaning gal was here on Saturday, I attempted to put one coat of paint on the hallway walls leading to our basement. It is the last little project for me to finish. The adventure went a little bit like this...rag in the paint can, hand prints on the woodwork, trip to the sink, paint on clothes, gasping by me, spots on the carpet, crying and scrubbing again, by me and finally, paint on the walls. More coats are needed, but they will have to wait until my little "helper" is at daycare. Claire isn't so great with painting, but she is great with cleaning. She loves it. Definitely a girl after my own heart. One of Claire's favorite things for the past sever...

Email #1

Greetings, I finally made it to Baghdad a couple of days ago. In typical "Chris" fashion, and although I was calling along the way, no one knew I was coming. I sat at the airport for a couple of hours, and finally caught a ride in a convoy for 2 Colonels coming back from R&R. Once I arrived, the job I was apparently coming here for, vanished... I am now part of the J8 and will be the budget execution officer. Fortunately for me, Captain Poblete (Hanscom ESC) is here as well. Living Conditions: I am currently in temporary lodging until a permanent spot opens up. My room is about half the size of the last cubicle I was in before I left. It has a bunk bed (yes, I could potentially have a roommate), a night stand and a metal locker at the opposite end of the room. The only bathrooms to speak of near my room are the port-a-potties that I share with the TCNs who live in my building. The showers are shared with the TCNs as well, but I have found a loophole around that experience...


I guess I need to clarify before others misinterpret my previous post. Chris was not initially to work with the Iraqi police as an officer, but instead to help them with the financial end of things. Chris is no longer a cop and although the military can be rather unaccomodating at times, they cannot and will not place him in a role in which he has not been properly trained. Therefore, he IS NOT A COP. He is working a desk job, which is right where I like him. In other appears my cable, phone and internet services will be returning tomorrow night!! Yahoo. I cannot imagine going another month without them. I have been watching the entire season 1 series "Army Wives" and crying my eyes out. Although, I enjoy the show and can relate to so many things on it, I look forward to seeing some good ole comedy. I think Claire is ready for some tv too. She sat on our coffee table yesterday when I put a disc in the DVD player and was greatly disappointed when a picture did not ap...


I had the pleasure of talking to Chris both last night and early this morning. He arrived in Baghdad this morning. His flight was uneventful as he rode in a military plane which had no windows. I imagine this was a bit difficult, but better than seeing everything. The airport is a civilian airport, but heavily monitored by military. He did say he was a bit nervous driving from the airport to the base, but said Baghdad is a nice city. His job has changed a bit and he will no longer be working with the Iraqi police. He didn't disclose the details of his new job, but I am sure I will learn a bit more as the time goes on. We are both thankful that he arrived safely and this next landmark has been reached.


Chris arrived safely in Kuwait. He emailed yesterday and called last night. His life is again a bit restricted at this point, but he seemed in really good spirits. They had some difficulty with the phone lines, so each person is allowed two 30 minute phone calls per week with limited access to the internet each day. Much more restricted communication than I was prepared for considering when he was stationed in Saudia Arabia years ago, he called me every night. I miss not talking to him and seeing him, but I am relieved to know the countdown has begun. He will be in Kuwait for one week to complete training and then will proceed from there.