This pregnancy has been a whirlwind. It has flown by so quickly, I find it hard to believe I am nearly 22 weeks along already. While pregnant with Claire, I was so good at blogging and journaling every little thing. Not the case this time around, although I have enjoyed being pregnant more than the first time around. I think that is because there have been no surprises. I have been prepared for each change and have known what to expect. This kiddo is a mover and a shaker. I have felt her move since 17 weeks, which is far earlier than with Claire. On each ultrasound we've had, this kiddo is constantly on the move. This has even been true since 7 weeks. I have begun telling my students at school about the pregnancy and each has their own ideas for names. Chris and I have yet to come to an agreement on that front. Such a tough decision. We have 16 weeks left to find the perfect one. I have been telling Claire there is a baby in my tummy as the tummy is her latest discovery. She loves to point out her own as well as others. Although I constantly provide her with this information, she is unaware or unconcerned with it. I suppose that is just as well. I feel great--full of energy. In fact, just an hour or so ago, I was on our roof shoveling the snow and ice that had gathered. There is a much deeper story to this, but the point is that I am just as active this pregnancy as I was with my last. I eat anything and everything. So far, I've gained 7 pounds, but feel much larger at this point than I felt at this point with Claire. I guess that is natural (at least my friends and doctors seem to have convinced me of such). In only 16 short weeks, we will meet our new addition. I can't wait and find it sort of surreal. This past month has been such a blur with Chris gone, but hope time continues to fly by. I look forward to uniting as a family of 4.
(1) When is your due date? Jill is due April 20th or so.
(2) Do you have plans for the last weekend of this month? I have the weekend off from the ski mountain and thought we could get together.