It has been a long month with no phone, cable or internet. It has been an even longer week of scheduling issues with Comcast, but we are back on the saddle once again. Our beloved cable guy just left and we have service. Amen! The last two days have been filled with alot of cleaning, organizing, and painting. While our cleaning gal was here on Saturday, I attempted to put one coat of paint on the hallway walls leading to our basement. It is the last little project for me to finish. The adventure went a little bit like this...rag in the paint can, hand prints on the woodwork, trip to the sink, paint on clothes, gasping by me, spots on the carpet, crying and scrubbing again, by me and finally, paint on the walls. More coats are needed, but they will have to wait until my little "helper" is at daycare. Claire isn't so great with painting, but she is great with cleaning. She loves it. Definitely a girl after my own heart.
One of Claire's favorite things for the past several weeks/months has been putting clothes on. She tries to put on her own, but loves to wear other people's clothes on her head and anywhere else she can manage to fit them. Here are the latest pictures...