i enjoy reading blogs, mostly as someone lurching in the background--incognito. i have come across several that have raved about the movie "fireproof." chris watched it a couple of weeks ago and liked it as well. curious, i rented it last night. it was great. a bit over the top emphasis on religion, but excellent message. chris and i have a good marriage. we've worked for years on becoming open communicators as this hasn't always been the case. jessica--i'm sure you remember sitting in silence at applebee's! yes, we've had our glorious moments. anyway, we reflect on our relationship often and talk about things we like/don't like in others' relations. this passion to better ourselves and our life was really heightened by this movie. so much, in fact, that i am going to order the book--Love Dare. it is all about what you can do for your spouse to strengthen your love and becoming less selfish. definitely a key component for any great marriage. it also has a huge emphasis on putting your faith in God and living life according to his rules. i've always been a faithful follower, but again, there is always room for improvement. a challenge i accept on all fronts.
Love ya,
It is funny as I had heard the same thing about this movie. I had done a little research on my own and decided to buy the book. Our friends, Juanita and Jon had a bible study at their church based on the book. She thought it was awesome!! Good luck in your endeavor. I have to wait until I have time to read something other than a textbook!