our baby is looking less like a baby these days and more like a little girl (sniffle, sniffle). she is definitely 19 months going on 13 years. this week i was getting ready for work one morning when claire reached for my container of blush. i gave it to her thinking there isn't much she can do with it. next thing i know she has it opened and is reaching for the blush brush. she knew exactly what to do. moments later her little cheeks and chin were covered in a rosy hue. my kiddo. i showed her what she looked like in the mirror and thankfully, she was totally unphased. a quick wash and we were on our way out the door. today we got ready to grab some groceries/medicine. we are battling a bit of a cold. poor thing has the glossy eyes, runny nose and cough. i can't complain too much as she loves to snuggle when she's sick so it is bittersweet for me. i love that lovin. anyway, she is great about allowing me to do her hair, so today i attempted a ponytail. her little locks fit. cute, but again, sad. another sign that my baby is no longer a baby.

i am a big fan of pediped shoes. they are simply adorable. expensive, but adorable. much, much cuter than striderites. claire has been wearing a size 6-12 months since she was 6 months, so i thought it was time for another. i actually paid more for her shoes than i do my own, which is quite sad. on the other hand, if she can wear them for over a year, i feel the splurge is justified. i am sure chris agrees (ha!) i ordered her a pair a week or so ago and they finally arrived. way too cute. they really are awesome. great support, durable, stylish and velcroed, so she can put them on and take them off herself. i love them and she does too.

i am a big fan of pediped shoes. they are simply adorable. expensive, but adorable. much, much cuter than striderites. claire has been wearing a size 6-12 months since she was 6 months, so i thought it was time for another. i actually paid more for her shoes than i do my own, which is quite sad. on the other hand, if she can wear them for over a year, i feel the splurge is justified. i am sure chris agrees (ha!) i ordered her a pair a week or so ago and they finally arrived. way too cute. they really are awesome. great support, durable, stylish and velcroed, so she can put them on and take them off herself. i love them and she does too.
Love ya,