**I just realized in nearly every picture, Mya is sooo dirty. She is all over the place, never sitting still. Her daycare days are filled with lots of outside play. Although you'd never know it, they really do wear clean clothing ;) We've been working on saying "hi" and waving, giving kisses and hugging babies. This age is such a fun one. She is getting to be such a little person. Each day is filled with so many precious moments and new discoveries.
Spring has finally hit New England, actually it feels alot more like summer. We are loving it. We've been walking every night, hitting up the local playgrounds, eating ice cream like it is going out of style and doing a bit of kite flying. It has been so nice. Thank goodness the weather has been good because work has been quite the opposite. Spring break is right around the corner--5 days away, not that I am counting.With the impending break comes a whole lot of paperwork. I have 9 kids on the docket for speech/language testing, each of which encompasses at least 1 5-6 page report, in addition to other paperwork should they need services, progress reports written for each of my 30 students, plus lessons to plan for each of my student services. It is crazy busy. Busy is good, but I tend to procrastinate, which is making it a bit more overwhelming than necessary at this point. I will get it all done, but it won't be a nice, relaxing week. Alright, enough complaining. This week has been filled with good things too....We had the pleasure of watching little Henri on Monday night. Claire enjoyed having another little baby to dote on and Mya enjoyed having someone to boss around. She and Henri are the same age, but Mya is a bit bigger and bolder. Luckily, Chris and I were there to protect dear Henri. On Saturday I spent the day shopping with my great friends, Alison and Michelle while Chris tended to our kiddos. He claims he always appreciated me, but I think after that day, his appreciation/understanding grew 10 fold! Claire started her day at 5:30 am, which set the tone for the whole day. They did have fun though. They bought a t-ball set and a map, which he hung on Claire's wall. We've been trying to talk about Daddy leaving to Korea, etc. The conversations are a bit hard to have as she has no real concept of the change that is about to occur. Anyway, he put pins on the locations of all our family members. It is pretty sweet and actually brought tears to my eyes. I can talk a good game about this deployment, but the fact is that I am pretty nervous about the whole thing. I know I'll survive, but a year is a VERY long time as a single parent with no family support nearby. I am too independent to ask for help, so this will be interesting. Moving on...Chris is packing for a short notice TDY to Indiana. He has a two day training required before he can leave for Korea. Lucky me, I get a taste of this single parent thing this week. Yippee!! Once again, thank goodness spring break begins on Saturday. We are very excited about seeing my family. Getting my hair cut and highlighted this week, new clothes, and nice weather...the good outweighs the bad.
You just say the word and I will be on the next plane ride out..please know that this is true..Nate and I would love for you all to come stay with us this summer as well..I am so excited to see you guys...thank goodness I only have 5 more work days to wait!
Love ya,J