We are below the 9 month countdown until we leave Korea, so we are trying to prioritize what we want to see and do and make a plan. Everland is a Korea must do! It is the Korean Disneyland and the Korean spin of hands on fun makes it better than Disney in alot of ways. We spent the weekend in Seoul, relaxing and spending time together as Chris is off to the States next week for another month long class. Thankfully it is his last one while we are stationed here, but I am really over being the single parent. He just wrapped up the end of the fiscal year, which meant long, long hours of work (even longer than his usual 12 hour days), so again, I am very much OVER this. Anyway, we spent today at Everland focusing on the animal section. They have a safari that I had been it! It was a great experience and hearing Claire and Mya ooo and ahhh over each animal that came close to the vehicle was wonderful. The safari featured lions, tigers, giraffes, elephants, bears, and ligers. The animals wandered freely and came up to the vehicle. The bears stood on their hind legs, which Claire thought was awesome. It was so much fun. We also went to a small petting zoo which was less than exciting--only rabbits, sheep and chicks. We wandered into the bird sanctuary where birds flew freely. I noticed birds landing on people's hands, so Chris bought some seed and tried to entice them too. Claire and Mya also joined in while I tried to capture it on film. We needed some help from a nice Korean guy who lead the birds to our girls' hands. Claire was much more excited about the idea of having a bird perched on her hand than she was when it actually happened, hence the picture. ;) Mya held out her hand and waited for quite a while before one finally came over. She immediately reached out with her left hand and scared the bird away. Again, she waited and finally got one to eat from her hand. It was enough for her. She was thrilled too. They were also offering camel and pony rides. Knowing that there would be several opportunities to ride ponies, we opted to ride the camel. Chris had to ride too as Mya was below the age of 3. Poor, poor camel. ;) It was hilarious watching as the camel took a few breaks while making his way around the beaten trail. They had a great time. The best part was when I asked Claire what she liked the best. In her response, she named every single thing that was saw and did. It was quite obviously a great day for her. We didn't even make it through 1/3 of Everland. Definitely a great Korean adventure and I am betting we all sleep well tonight.

Looks like fun! We were out for supper and a bonfire when you called. Sorry I didn't hear it. I tried to call you back with no luck. Love the pictures, those girls crack me up!
Love ya, j
Love ya