This PCS thing is nothing I've experienced before! My silly husband thought it was a pretty simple process, but I knew a bit differently having dealt with a number of clearance documents at work. Needless to say, we've been filling out forms, gathering signatures and making appointments. The kids and I had our medical and dental appointments last week. Mine went well, but an entire case of adult beverages should have been consumed after Mya's appointment on Friday afternoon. The dental clinic is located in the hospital which houses the immunization clinic and family practice offices. Mya hates that place! The girls starts freaking out the minute I pull into the parking lot regardless if we are there to pick up a piece of paper or for an appointment for someone else. Such was the case on Friday. We pull in and she starts crying and mumbling something like "no shots mommy." Yep. I knew we were going to have fun--and lucky for me, I got to deal with this all on my own. Mya continued to crying from that moment through her own appointment and up until we were half way through Claire's appointment. The poor dentist tried his very best, but got nothing better than a snarl from Mya. It was great. I was a bit worried that he wouldn't sign the necessary paperwork having not really seen the condition of her teeth, but he did. Phew! Claire's appointment went well, but the dentist really wanted me to have him take care of a very "superficial spot that could be a cavity." Nope. Not on board with that. We take her home every summer and have her seen by a pediatric dentist. He sings the ABC's and couldn't be nicer. It also helps that they give balloons and prizes galore. I should also mention the nitrous oxide is an added bonus. It has been wonderful. Her experiences at the dentist are positive, happy ones, which I hope will leave her with a lasting focus on good dental hygiene (unlike my own where I left the dentist crying because he was such a jerk--and procrastinated going to the dentist while I was in college for fear of what they may find and the nightmares that may ensue!) Anyway, positive health experiences are a very important focus for my children and I'll continue bringing them back to make sure these happen. I'll hop off my soapbox now. Claire has spots on her teeth that Dr. G. has been watching, but thinks they'll be okay until her baby teeth eventually fall out with proper care. We're banking on that thought. I don't want them filled unless they need to be filled--long story short. Paperwork is done and is currently being reviewed. Hopefully all goes well and our orders can finally get issued! This waiting game is also for the birds. I've been checking the housing situation, but it is too early for us to jump on anything yet. In the meantime, we are trying to get things in line. We have Nate working on parts for the recalls on our car so we can get it repaired and ready to ship, I am trying to go through our storage room and purge as appropriate. I wish my sister was having a girl so I could pass on the 10 containers of clothing that I can't seem to part with ;) Speaking of babies, Jackson is due to arrive tomorrow! We are so excited! Mya refers to everyone as "my ---," so according to Mya, it is "my Jackson." So sweet. Enough babbling.
The Halloween festivities are in full swing here. We attended a "Fall Festival" at my school on Thursday evening and today we enjoyed a "fall festival" at the girls' school. We've managed to keep their costumes a secret until Wednesday when Claire spilled the beans. She was doing so well at keeping the secret, I almost thought she wasn't our child for awhile ;) Claire dressed as "Pinkalicious" and Mya was a cupcake. My Mom and Dad bought Claire the book, "Pinkalicious" for her first birthday. It has been an on-going hit with our girls. They both have the entire book memorized. It is such a cute book where this girl named "Pinkalicious" loves pink. She eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink, which she is thinks is simply beautiful then red, which is less than favorable. She eats her vegetables to turn alleviate her pain. In the meantime, her little brother is envious and devours the last one, then turns pink too. It is a ...
It is so exciting that you are getting things done little by little. I love crossing things off check lists :)
Love ya,