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Notes to Our Future Selves

2. Round Worms in Dogs are utterly disgusting (and quite a good diet initiator--you hardly ate for 3 days because of the visual image alone)
3. Crying and constant movement at night makes for sleep deprived and consequently, crabby, stressed, and  intolerant parents.
4. Waking up at 4:00 to take the dog outside is painful.
5. Listening to the dog vomit then lick up his own vomit during the night is enough to make your stomach churn.
6. When you ask yourself, "how bad can it be," know that it can ALWAYS be worse.
8. Stay off facebook.
9. Sometimes it is okay to say NO.
10. Sometimes it is OKAY to be SELFISH.

Here's the lowdown...
Chris was out on the patio outside our dining room, grilling burgers while the dogs and children froliced. He popped his head inside only to inform me that the "dogs had gotten into some pasta somewhere," but he can't remember when we've had pasta. (See--it is the lack of sleep that is making him delirious.) Hmm. We haven't had any pasta in months! Ding. Ding. I go outside. Take a peek at one of the 4 piles of "noodles" outside my house and run inside to google "worms in dogs." Yep. Round worm. OMG. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Nasty! (1 meter long and piles of them--I like to share the disgust) We pull the kids inside, call the vet, grab a bag to collect a sample. Yep. Second most disgusting thing EVER. Chris heads off to the vet and I grab the bleach, bucket and scrub brush. Cleaning and disinfecting everything! I was on a mission. The dogs' feet were scrubbed, shoes were scrubbed and my house was sterilized. Reading the info on roundworms in children about pushed me over the edge. I quickly messaged the owner and told her the dogs had to go, knowing no one in their right mind would take them.
Friday came. Chris and I went to work, sharing our horrors of the night before and listening to others' advice on how to determine if our children have worms. Not advice you want to hear--involves more nastiness. I called the pediatrician, who basically informed me that the chances are significantly small that our children are in danger. I felt a bit better, but the images of worms still ran through my head. The dogs feet were scrubbed each and every time they entered my house and seeing the dirty that remained once again, pushed the nasty images into my head. Yucko. Dogs and dirty little creatures.
Saturday came and we escaped the prison we previously called home to go to a movie. After a nice day away, we went home, started a fire, changed into our pjs to watch a movie. Chris was in the process of syncing my Ipad when he said the most amazing words. Misti-Dawn (Yep that's her name. What is it with me and stripper names. I swear I don't know much about the industry, but really, this one fits the bill too!) messaged you with an address for the dogs. He could barely get the words out when we jumped off the couch to change our clothes, load up the kids and dogs and set out on our new journey towards FREEDOM! We found the house, dumped the dogs and left the albatross behind. AMMMMEEENNN!
Sunday was again a day of disinfecting, sterilizing and containing our children to the only area of the yard that hadn't been contaminated by those creatures. (It snowed and our kids were dying to see the snow in all its glory.)
Life is good again. It is amazing how much stress two little dogs can add to your life. Running home after work, scheduling your life around their needs, arranging care, blah, blah, blah. The impact  and inconvenience go on forever. It is not for us at least at this point in our lives. Maybe when we are truly settled, our kids are self-sufficient and we have no life, it will be a better time. Right now we are scheduled, need the freedom to travel and are selfish in the sense that we don't push off our responsibilities on others. I am glad this situation was only temporary. It provided a great lesson, if nothing else. Now, go buy your dogs some heartworm preventative!


Anonymous said…
Ha so funny! Glad you are free at last! I'm grossed out at the thought! Thanks for not posting a picture....I know your sick humor! And i distinctively remember u posting poop and vomit pics of the kiddos!

Love ya, j

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