Claire is becoming quite the helper. Today she discovered the vacuum. I would like nothing more than for her to help clean. I can remember our niece, Olivia, keeping herself occupied for long periods of time, cleaning the house with her wipes. It was adorable! Claire may be on that same path. Chris and I vacuumed, Claire joined in. Chris and I did laundry, Claire lended a hand. I was cooking, Claire cooked too. Well....sort of. If you look close enough, you can see what she was cooking. Mmmmhmmmmm. That's what I'm talking about. It has been a long time since I have posted a nasty picture, so I thought it was time. In fact, it has been quite awhile since we've had a diaper or disaster of this magnitude in our house--thankfully. I suppose we were due. So, back to the story. In the middle of my chopping vegetables, I was smelling something rotten. I checked the veges, but all were well. I sniffed again and then looked down. There was Claire, spatula in hand, bending forward with an overflowing heap of stinky, stinky poo seaping out of her diaper. We stripped her down, threw her in the sink and hosed her down, literally. All the while, the only thing on Claire's mind was getting that turkey that we had worked so hard preparing, into the oven. What a girl! She is destined to be the next Martha.
love ya,
Well done Claire...I'm sure Chris had fun changing that one!