In the midst of my Grandpa's passing, traveling, etc., I neglected to post about Claire turning 11 months. She is getting so big. She still has her big, blue eyes and blonde hair, much to my delight! Claire is a petite little girl, typically wearing 6 month clothing. She plays catch with Chris, tossing the ball in his general direction and retrieves the ball when he rolls it to her. She holds a baby and rocks back and forth. I encourage her by saying, "Oh, nice baby." She seems to like that. Claire really enjoyed the pop-up toy when we were in North Dakota, so we brought it back. She can close the lids, but isn't able to make them open. Claire loves Harvest. She squeals with delight when she sees him each day. She loves to pet him, which often sounds more like hitting, but her intentions are good. Claire is beginning to understand the walk behind toy. She likes it best on carpet. Tile and hardwood floors make it more like a run-behind toy. She is making strange with people at times. However, she typically is okay after a few minutes. Claire lifts her arms to be picked up, she is learning how to wave, and plays peek-a-boo constantly. She no longer needs to have her face entirely covered to play. She plays with everything and crawls at lighting speed. Claire loves kids. She loves watching them and attempts to interact as much as she can. Earlier this week, she was getting fussy while we were shopping. A little boy was jabbering away at the end of the aisle. Immediately, Claire stopped fussing, turned a looked at him and watched with interest until he left. She definitely needs a sibling or maybe some cousin lovin! Claire sleeps in her own bed. We put her down at 7 and she cries for literally 30 seconds before she is asleep. It is awesome. This has been the case for nearly 2 months now. We should have established this routine months ago! Lesson learned. Claire still uses a bottle, but prefers the sippy cup. She only drinks 1 or 2 bottles per day and 2 at night. All in all, everything is going well. She is a happy, easy going kiddo. Claire has been a dream child. Because of this fact, a few of my Aunts and Uncles commented that we're going to be in trouble with baby #2. No one has 2 dream kids in a row. I guess we'll see. Until then, we'll enjoy every minute with our Clairebear.
Josh and I miss the 4 of you very much and hope to see you soon....
Love ya,