Despite Claire's small size, the girl loves food. She hurries over when she hears a cupboard opening or a bag being opened in hopes of getting a little something. The same holds true at daycare. Maureen (our daycare provider) told me that she has to feed Claire first otherwise, Claire grabs the other kids' food. Yesterday she forgot to do so and Claire swiped some brocolli. Claire isn't a big fan of vegetables, so that lesson was quickly learned--don't grab green. Anyway, Chris was enjoying some sharp cheddar cheese this evening and a similar lesson was learned. Claire begged for some cheese, put it in her mouth, had a taste, made a grimmacing face and out it went. Harvest enjoyed the cheese. What a kid.
In other news...Claire's babbling has turned a corner. It began as soon as she woke up this morning. It sounded as though she had been captured by aliens overnight. No longer do we consistently hear strings of "mamamama or babababa or dadadadada," but strings of "wayomeaomowowiyayayawowimomoememo." It is an interesting change. As a language professional, I am left speechless. Hopefully this is leading to approximations?
I should. Claire is a sweetie. The food thing fits in well with the Svors--or the Dietrichs--or (probably) the Boyntons. Just guessing there. If you can just get her to keep an open mind on Boston sports teams (i.e., there may be better choices), you will have done well.
love ya,
love ya,
love ya,
love ya,
love ya,