Today was a rather busy day. I agreed to do summer speech for a few students which only involves 3 hours, one day every other week. Pretty easy and decent money. However, today I also had a doctor appointment thrown in the mix, so we didn't get home until later. Anyway, I almost didn't have it in me to get this page done, BUT I did it! I am so pleased that I have stuck to my promise thus far and yes, Lisa, I did go walking today in addition to a little ab workout AND Squats!! Don't choke in your amazement. All I can say is....Bye-bye 20 pounds!!
I didn't mention yesterday, but Harvest has another freakin' hotspot. It is quite the ongoing issue. We've been around and around with our vet (he charges a fortune and prescribes creams/ointments vs. pills that have been proven effective) and actually ended up taking him to the vet on base. However, she was busy and couldn't fit him in for 2 weeks. Way too long for a dog who is licking himself like he is made of honey. Anyway, I broke down and took him to our "usual" vet. Mistake. He ended up telling me that his hotspots are a form of self-mutilation. Well, I suppose technically it is, but he went on to say that it is the result of having too much energy and not having a release like exercise. I almost choked on my own saliva. We've always joked about this dog needing some puppy prozac because he has had his share of issues. Granted, his activity level and amount of attention have both suffered a bit since Claire arrived, but this dog gets is 11--how much activity can he handle? For the record, we DO walk him---REGULARLY! We have a fenced in backyard where he can run freely, freely, freely. Obviously, he is a bit high maintenance and truly needs a personal trainer who can force him to walk and release that energy. Ugh! On and on it goes. We did leave with pills--2 kinds actually, and we are walking good old Harvest. We are all happy again.
love ya,Jessica