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22 months

My oh my. I can't believe we are already at 22 months with Claire. It seems like just yesterday I was scrubbing the floors in preparation of Chris' mom coming to take care of Harvest while we were at the hospital. Now I am doing that again, but this time it is my Mom coming to take care of our little princess. Wow, time truly flies when you are having fun, which is exactly our life. Fun. Claire makes each and everyday wonderful--even when filled with moments of frustration. Hearing her say, "my momma," "cute," "hey," or "okay" fills my heart with such joy. She still loves to cook. I've been telling her that Grammy is coming to visit and that when she is here they are going to bake cookies. My Mom is great about doing this nearly every visit with our nieces and nephew and I look forward to her sharing this experience with our kids. Baking with my Grandma is something at which I look fondly back. Now when I tell Claire that Grammy is coming, she says something about cookies. It is quite cute, although I think nearly everything this kiddo does is cute. Claire talks and talks and talks. Some I can understand, some I cannot, but all of which I love to hear. My favorite little thing she does now is brings both Chris and I books to read while she has one for herself. She enjoys listening to stories, but is also very good at reading to herself. I bought a bible story book for little ones awhile ago and we've been plugging away, reading each one. She most often grabs this book to read. Claire likes to sing or hum. I downloaded a couple of "Steve's Songs," and she loves, loves, loves to sing about the shapes. She even has Chris knowing the song. Too cute. You can hear her singing while playing with her toys, wandering around, riding in the car, basically anywhere. Just another adorable thing. Claire loves to wear hats, any that are not hers. I think she enjoys the show more than anything. She tries on Chris's hats and finds us to put on a show of expressions. She is such a personality. At times I find myself forgetting that she is only 22 months as she does things and knows things beyond her years. We'd been taking Sophie to puppy training classes and recently, Claire was caught counting the puppies. The trainer was so impressed with our little brain, but since Claire and I often count (steps, tiles, toys, etc.), it didn't really phase me. Anyway, she is the bright spot in every day. Her smile lights up our hearts and her words bring tears to my eyes. She is such a joy. I can't wait to see how she does as a big sister, although I must say that I am a bit nervous about the whole idea. Not about being a mom again or about Claire not doing well, but making sure that Chris and I focus on Claire like she deserves and don't force her to grow up more quickly than she should. She is coming around to the idea. Claire acknowledges the baby in my tummy and says she will help with diapers, bottles, give kisses, read books, etc., but won't use the baby's name. What a little rascal. Only a few more days and our family will be forever changed. Such excitement.

--One more thing that I am adoring as Claire just reminded me...she loves to give kisses. Her latest thing is taking our heads in her hands and kissing our foreheads or if we are sitting down, she'll kiss our legs. She loves to show her love and I can honestly say that I love it too.


Anonymous said…
Finally, I was starting to wonder when you would update this thing! Your days of free time are numbered. You will be a great mom---We are all excited!

Love ya,
Erin said…
yeah miss claire! you are getting sooo big and soon you will be celebrating your 2nd birthday - crazyness!!!

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