Mya turns four weeks tomorrow. I really can't believe how quickly time has passed. I think I say that in every post, but it truly is amazing. It seems to slip by more quickly than it even did with Claire. Mya is doing great. She is getting bigger and stronger every day. She can hold her head up pretty well all by herself. She is awake for longer periods at a time and loves to look around and take in her surroundings. I find so much of her personality to be similiar to Claire's as a baby. It definitely is sweet to experience it all again. I am not sure what I ate the past day or so, but something has not been so kind to precious little Mya. She has had an upset tummy and has let us know it. As a result, her sleeping segments have been shorter than normal--3 hours or so. Hopefully, we get back on track soon--Chris and I are tired. I took pictures to give you a taste of the face we've been seeing more often lately. The other picture is her laid back, analytical look. She is such a little honey. I just can't stop lovin on my little girls. They mean everything.
Mya turns four weeks tomorrow. I really can't believe how quickly time has passed. I think I say that in every post, but it truly is amazing. It seems to slip by more quickly than it even did with Claire. Mya is doing great. She is getting bigger and stronger every day. She can hold her head up pretty well all by herself. She is awake for longer periods at a time and loves to look around and take in her surroundings. I find so much of her personality to be similiar to Claire's as a baby. It definitely is sweet to experience it all again. I am not sure what I ate the past day or so, but something has not been so kind to precious little Mya. She has had an upset tummy and has let us know it. As a result, her sleeping segments have been shorter than normal--3 hours or so. Hopefully, we get back on track soon--Chris and I are tired. I took pictures to give you a taste of the face we've been seeing more often lately. The other picture is her laid back, analytical look. She is such a little honey. I just can't stop lovin on my little girls. They mean everything.