i am finding it difficult to write a cohesive post as of late, so here is another one filled with randomness.
with the addition of mya comes the addition of yet another stroller (we already have a travel system and single jogger). after much research, questioning others and debate, we decided on this double jogger. thus far it is awesome.
claire continues to be full of love for both her little sister and sophie. the past few weeks we'd been debating on whether or not to keep sophie. she is a smart dog who follows her commands quite well, but she is full of energy. we actually got to the point where someone i work with was going to take her. we sadly decided we couldn't part with the crazy dog, so she is here to stay. hopefully we all stay sane with this decision. so far so good. we have a decent routine which gives her the exercise she needs and tires her out too. i hope it continues.
mya is such a little honey. she is starting to smile when she sleeps. granted these smiles are probably gas, i love them just the same. there really hasn't been a change in her eating or sleeping patterns. when she is awake, she is very alert and constantly looking around as if to analyze her environment.
Hope to see you soon!
Thanks for posting finally! I wait and wait forever it seems.
The girls are cute as ever!
Love ya,