helping. ummm--yeah. enough said.

Checking out her big sister.

Look at these eyes--taking it all in.

i think she wants me to put down the camera and give her some food...

We only have about 3 pictures from Chris' childhood, so we don't have alot to compare our children to, but this picture screams Chris to me.

Oh what a week we have had. Here are a few key words to clue you in...mastitis, rain, constipation, whining. I think those are some good indicators of what our week has been like. It all began with a little visit from a very painful critter known as mastitis. Let me say how fortunate I feel knowing that this is kiddo number 2 and only my first horrific case. It was awful. Awful to the point that I actually called Chris at work on Monday morning, asking if he could come home. I thought I was going to die---chills, sweats, body aches, aching, aching bubbies. I am pleased to say that a quick phone call to the doctor, some strong meds and I was back in order the next day--not perfect, but back in working order. However, the medication I am taking is taking a toll on poor Mya. She has been constipated for a couple of days. I've been lacing her milk with Karo syrup, but even that is having a tough time pushing through. I will be going out to buy the high powered dark stuff later today. Despite her grunting & pain stricken faces, she is in good spirits. No crying or sleeplessness to speak of. Chris decided to get sick this week as well, but some cold medicine is doing the trick and Claire, well, Claire decided to take up whining. Ahhhh, the days withOUT whining will be sorely missed. After we have our little discussion about simply talking and NOT whining, Claire responds, "Ooookaaaaay" (with a whiney voice.) Parental challenges. We did visit my work for the first time. I received a special invitation from my students to come and listen to them share their autobiographies, so even though I was feeling less than fabulous, we couldn't miss it. It was great to see my work friends and of course, my kids received more lovin than they could handle. My school kids loved them too and were excited to see me. I quickly forgot about my aches and pains in the midst of all the happiness. Our weekend looks bright with all the illness behind us. Hopefully the weather cooperates as we have some fun planned. I'll update later.
Checking out her big sister.
Look at these eyes--taking it all in.
i think she wants me to put down the camera and give her some food...
We only have about 3 pictures from Chris' childhood, so we don't have alot to compare our children to, but this picture screams Chris to me.
Oh what a week we have had. Here are a few key words to clue you in...mastitis, rain, constipation, whining. I think those are some good indicators of what our week has been like. It all began with a little visit from a very painful critter known as mastitis. Let me say how fortunate I feel knowing that this is kiddo number 2 and only my first horrific case. It was awful. Awful to the point that I actually called Chris at work on Monday morning, asking if he could come home. I thought I was going to die---chills, sweats, body aches, aching, aching bubbies. I am pleased to say that a quick phone call to the doctor, some strong meds and I was back in order the next day--not perfect, but back in working order. However, the medication I am taking is taking a toll on poor Mya. She has been constipated for a couple of days. I've been lacing her milk with Karo syrup, but even that is having a tough time pushing through. I will be going out to buy the high powered dark stuff later today. Despite her grunting & pain stricken faces, she is in good spirits. No crying or sleeplessness to speak of. Chris decided to get sick this week as well, but some cold medicine is doing the trick and Claire, well, Claire decided to take up whining. Ahhhh, the days withOUT whining will be sorely missed. After we have our little discussion about simply talking and NOT whining, Claire responds, "Ooookaaaaay" (with a whiney voice.) Parental challenges. We did visit my work for the first time. I received a special invitation from my students to come and listen to them share their autobiographies, so even though I was feeling less than fabulous, we couldn't miss it. It was great to see my work friends and of course, my kids received more lovin than they could handle. My school kids loved them too and were excited to see me. I quickly forgot about my aches and pains in the midst of all the happiness. Our weekend looks bright with all the illness behind us. Hopefully the weather cooperates as we have some fun planned. I'll update later.
Love ya,