Myamooshki is 11 months old today. Wow. As I was writing my quarterly progress reports at work yesterday, I found myself thinking about this time last year and how I was preparing to go on maternity leave. What a glorious time that was. The thought of leaving the stress of work behind to welcome a beautiful baby girl into our family was delightful. Jump forward 11 whole months to see the delightfullness hasn't changed. We are each so totally smitten with this evergrowing, everchanging miss thang. She is such a little doll. Mya loves to snuggle up and rest her head on your shoulder or on the dog or on the couch. It is so sweet. She hugs her babies, gives the classic open mouthed kisses to any and all--yes, even the dog, and is into everything. Her latest fascination is the dishwasher. The second she hears that door drop, Mya is off, scurrying over to lend a hand (or body). She tries her best to climb on up and take a seat right on the door. What a little bugger. She also loves the fridge, mostly standing inside to see what she can see. Mya is movin and a groovin lately. She dances, waves and says "hi" like a crazy girl, scrunches her nose and laughs like no other. Bathtime is her favorite time. She puts her face in the water and blows bubbles. It is quite the sight. Last night, Mya figured out how to squeeze the squirting toy so water would come out. Needless to say, she was busy entertaining herself. Luckily for the rest of us, she has very little directional control at this point. Mya eats anything and everything she can get her hands on. Claire loves to feed her. Yesterday Claire had a piece of licorice as a reward for being a good listener when I see her break off a little piece to "shao wi mya." Uh. Oh. Close eyes will remain on her. Mya eats chili, yogurt, crackers, green beans, bananas, rice, cereal, cheese, cottage cheese, peaches, pears, peas (doesn't really like them), potatoes, and bread. I was making dinner last night when I realized I hadn't heard Mya in a bit. I looked over to find her with her back turned to me in between the coffee table and loveseat clenching a box of apple juice over her face that her sister had left on the table. Drips of juice were on her face, shirt and pants. Mya was in heaven, smiling like no other. We don't give her juice, sugar or any junk food, so I am sure she'd never tasted something so good. Each and everyday more of Mya's personality shines through. Chris wants nothing more than for her to walk before he leaves. The days are pressing on. She is able to take one step, but most often wants nothing than to plop down and crawl. The girl knows what she wants and does just that. I guess she is my daughter. Mya goes to bed around 7 and sleeps until 4ish. She wakes up for a bottle and then goes back to sleep until 6 (7 on weekends). She is wearing some 6, 9 and 12 month clothing and size 3 diapers and shoes. I had thought for a long time that she was going to be a big girl, but I actually think she is going to be like Claire. I suspect she will wear 12 month clothing for quite some time like Claire and then will grow slowly. What will be will be. I am okay with that. She is a delight. I love her so very much. She makes each and everyday a happy one and definitely makes our family more complete. 11 months has passed way too quickly.
Myamooshki is 11 months old today. Wow. As I was writing my quarterly progress reports at work yesterday, I found myself thinking about this time last year and how I was preparing to go on maternity leave. What a glorious time that was. The thought of leaving the stress of work behind to welcome a beautiful baby girl into our family was delightful. Jump forward 11 whole months to see the delightfullness hasn't changed. We are each so totally smitten with this evergrowing, everchanging miss thang. She is such a little doll. Mya loves to snuggle up and rest her head on your shoulder or on the dog or on the couch. It is so sweet. She hugs her babies, gives the classic open mouthed kisses to any and all--yes, even the dog, and is into everything. Her latest fascination is the dishwasher. The second she hears that door drop, Mya is off, scurrying over to lend a hand (or body). She tries her best to climb on up and take a seat right on the door. What a little bugger. She also loves the fridge, mostly standing inside to see what she can see. Mya is movin and a groovin lately. She dances, waves and says "hi" like a crazy girl, scrunches her nose and laughs like no other. Bathtime is her favorite time. She puts her face in the water and blows bubbles. It is quite the sight. Last night, Mya figured out how to squeeze the squirting toy so water would come out. Needless to say, she was busy entertaining herself. Luckily for the rest of us, she has very little directional control at this point. Mya eats anything and everything she can get her hands on. Claire loves to feed her. Yesterday Claire had a piece of licorice as a reward for being a good listener when I see her break off a little piece to "shao wi mya." Uh. Oh. Close eyes will remain on her. Mya eats chili, yogurt, crackers, green beans, bananas, rice, cereal, cheese, cottage cheese, peaches, pears, peas (doesn't really like them), potatoes, and bread. I was making dinner last night when I realized I hadn't heard Mya in a bit. I looked over to find her with her back turned to me in between the coffee table and loveseat clenching a box of apple juice over her face that her sister had left on the table. Drips of juice were on her face, shirt and pants. Mya was in heaven, smiling like no other. We don't give her juice, sugar or any junk food, so I am sure she'd never tasted something so good. Each and everyday more of Mya's personality shines through. Chris wants nothing more than for her to walk before he leaves. The days are pressing on. She is able to take one step, but most often wants nothing than to plop down and crawl. The girl knows what she wants and does just that. I guess she is my daughter. Mya goes to bed around 7 and sleeps until 4ish. She wakes up for a bottle and then goes back to sleep until 6 (7 on weekends). She is wearing some 6, 9 and 12 month clothing and size 3 diapers and shoes. I had thought for a long time that she was going to be a big girl, but I actually think she is going to be like Claire. I suspect she will wear 12 month clothing for quite some time like Claire and then will grow slowly. What will be will be. I am okay with that. She is a delight. I love her so very much. She makes each and everyday a happy one and definitely makes our family more complete. 11 months has passed way too quickly.