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korea, korea

i feel like i am in a fog that i can't escape. several things have brought me to this feeling.
1. everyday feels the same. i wake up, go outside, sweat like i've worked out for hours, pray for some A/C and then chill out.
2. i miss my kiddos.
3. i have a to-do list a mile long that i can't even begin until i return to MA.
4. i miss my kiddos.
5. i hate the humidity.
6. i have been crying off and on most of the day.
7. oh---did i mention that i got the job? hence, the tears. (sorry, jess, lisa, lauren and alison--i'd have called, but this time difference thing is messed up)
8. i miss my kiddos and feel nervous for what is to come in the next month.
9. i have felt sick to my stomach most of the day.
10. i am so lucky that i get to coordinate this HUGE move all by myself while tending to 2 small children and a dog.
11. YIPPEE!!

Ok, now onto a written summary. Things have most definitely progressed quickly on the job front. I toured the school and visited with the principal yesterday, talked with the HR person last night, and was notified of a job offer this morning. Talk about hyperventilating. I guess I should be more careful what I wish for next time. Only kidding. I am very excited about this move, but I wish that I didn't have to coordinate and execute the entire thing on my own. It is overwhelming and far different than a typical PCS. Typically, you know of where you are going months in advance, so TMO can come get your things and they can arrive shortly if not at the time of your arrival into the state/country. Since I just got the job, the movers won't be coming until about the time that we are set to leave the states ourselves. An overseas move means that our household goods won't arrive for approximately 60 days, which means I have to pack our luggage strategically. Thankfully Chris has most cooking items already, so we'll just need sheets, blankets, toys, etc. I am going to mail at least one box of toys/books for the kiddos so at least they'll have something to do. So much to do, so much to do.
The dog is a whole other source of stress. We've gone back and forth about what to do with her. We want with us, but the question is how we will get her there. We can't ship her until the temperature falls below 85 degrees the entire length of the trip. This means we most likely won't be shipping her until September. Another problem!! Yippee!
Add to that problem--our car. Again, it takes 60 days to get our stuff, which means 60 days without our car. The house we selected is about 6 traffic lights from base-too far to walk. I guess we'll be riding in a taxi for a while.
Good byes. Don't get me started. I want to give those that need it as much notice as we can. Therefore, I felt it essential for us to call our daycare gal tonight. I have been dreading this call. I could go on and on about this lady. We love her and her husband so much. They both love our children like their own and our kids feel the same about them. The thought of this relationship ending is heartbreaking. Again, I've been crying off and on all day, so I asked Chris to make the call. He wasn't so sure that he'd convey the appreciation that I would, but I think he did well. He even got choked up. I hate good byes. It is this reason alone, that I am not cut out to be a military wife. I do not do them well. In fact, I avoid them whenever possible.
I know in time it will all fall into place. It is my obsessive compulsiveness that is getting the best of me. I need to relax and think about what is to come--traveling, life as a family and once again, waking up everyday with my husband by my side.

i didn't even post about our korean dinner experience. ugh. perhaps tomorrow. it is nearly 11 and i am tired. too much crying.


Alison said…
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! I can't believe this is happening for you, I am so happy, yet extremely sad that I will not have you in the cube across from me all next year :-( PLEASE let me know if there is anything that I can do to help your move go as smoothly as possible!! When are you coming home???
Anonymous said…

I am so happy for you. This is a little bittersweet for me. I havent seen you guys in so long, and the thought of it being almost impossible to see you guys in the near future is sad. I know that this is what you both wanted, and I am so excited for your journey. Deep breath, have a safe move.
Anonymous said…
Crazy town......I can't believe this is actually happening and that you are moving to Korea. Things really do change quickly don't they?? Just think of the wonderful experience this will be for your family and the fact that you will actually get to be together is the best part of all. I take it that I may not be seeing you anymore this summer though??? I hope you still come back home for a day or two when you get back to the states so we can say our goodbyes -- for now that is. Hope you're still having a good time. Have fun!!
Anonymous said…
KARA!! Good lord. I must have been in denial...I didn't think you would be moving. I am selfishly thinking...No, you can't go. I do know this is a blessing for you. I will try to come to grips with this before I finally talk to you.
Love you all!
Anonymous said…
I am a mess..I have been crying about this very subject since Sunday when we talked. I HATE that you are moving which is NO surprise to you! I know you are happy with this transition but it will be very difficult for me. I miss you already! I am trying to see if I could get time off in August---so I could fly down to help you organize things for the move. Let me know your thoughts!

Sorry I know I am selfish!
Love ya,
Anonymous said…
Well...can't say that I am totally off base of what Jess and Lisa have already said. I am a tad shocked that you are actually moving. Now I feel like I will really never see you! Even less than I already do. I will miss you my wiser, older sister. I will even miss being able to just dial your cell phone to talk to you. I do not have texting, so let's just say with this move I am "SOL as far as communication is concerned. Can you even text international without a huge service fee? I completely understand why you are moving. I just wish it didn't have to be so far away. I might never get to talk to you and that is hard for me to grasp. I even started crying when I read this blog post. I guess that makes me a tad selfish too. Love you.

Erin said…
I am so excited for you and for Chris and the girls!!! It really is so awesome to get this opportunity and not to have to spend the year with your family split up! I know you well enough to know that you will be able to handle this move and that you will be ready and rearing to go when the time is up - you are organized! And not everything has to come with you - it can always go into storage so just consider bringing what you need the most and furniture of course! Please call when you get home I would love to try to get down there to visit before you leave - not to say good bye though (I hate those too).
Anonymous said…
I wish you guys the best in your new adventure. Congrats on your new job Kara, I know you will do great. I am sure everything will work out for you guys.


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